Survey Templates New Product/Concept Testing Surveys DG - Customer Survey -

DG - Customer Survey -

Ad relevance, believability, motivation, descriptive profile plus viewer life style measures.

Design Guide Needs your help! We constantly strive to improve our product and to prove we value your opinion, your next Design Guide is on us if you're willing to provide the following information. Just fill out the postage paid survey and we will send you the next issue of Design Guide at no cost to you. Thanks for your help!
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Where did you obtain your copy of Design Guide?
Which of the following describes your occupation
Based on the advertisements included in the Design Guide
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
You can locate a product provider to suite your needs
You can locate a service provider to suite your needs
The ad's are relevant to me.
The products and services described in the ad are believeable to me.
After viewing the ads, I would consider purchasing the product.
What are you decorating?
What are your biggest decorating concerns?
Would you visit the Design Guide Online?
Would you purchase the design guide from an online web site?