Survey Templates Surveys Music Minister Preparedness Survey

Music Minister Preparedness Survey

Music Minister Preparedness Survey

Where did you receive your formal undergraduate training?
At the time of your graduation, did you feel that you were adequately prepared for the position of Minister of Music?
When you began working in this ministry, did you encounter anything for which you were not prepared?
If yes, do you feel that it was something for which the college you attended should have trained you to handle?
Did you receive additional training as a Music Minister?
If yes, where did this training take place?
(For Music Ministers who did not receive formal training)--Do you believe that your effectiveness as a Music Minister would have been greater had you received formal training?
Do you believe that formal college training is critical to the success/failure of a Music Minister?
As a whole, do you believe that Bible/Christian colleges adequately prepare their students to assume the role of Minister of Music?

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