Survey Templates Surveys practicum



1. What type of secondary school do you teach at?
What is your sex?
How many years have you been teaching?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
4. I have been satisfied with what I was supposed to learn from professional development days in the past year.
How negative or positive were the side effects of your last professional development on you?
How negative or positive were the long-term effects of your last professional development on you?
How clear were the objectives of the last professional development activity to you?
How pertinent was your last professional development activity to help you instruct children in your subject area?
How complex was what you were expected to learn from the activity?
How positive or negative were the effects of your last inservice day on your students?
How positive or negative were the long-term effects of your last inservice activity on your students?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
How satisfied were you with the intended results of your last inservice on your students?
How satisfied were you with the way students effects were associated with your last inservice?
How satisifed were you with the readiness of activities at your last inservice?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
How satisfied were you with the learning process at your last inservice activity?
How satisfied were you with the follow-up activities after your last inservice day?
How satisfied were you with the training site for your last inservice activity?
I did my last inservice activity
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
How satisfied were you with ...your school district's involvement in your last inservice activity?
...the policy making that led up to your last inservice?
...your involvement in the selection and design of your last inservice?
My involvement in the last inservice activity was
I was how satisfied with the incentives associated with my last inservice?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
How Satisfied were you with ...the relevance of the content
...the inservice trainers?
...the scheduling?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Regarding the last inservice you attended, how did you feel about ...the cost?
...the group of teachers you attended with?
...your principal's involvement?
My primary immediate purpose for participating in the last inservice was which of the following?
Very negative effects
Negative effects
No effect
Positive effects
Very positive effects
The last inservice had what kind of effects on my competence as a teacher?
The last inservice helped me to promote the cognitive growth of my students in what way?
The last inservice helped me to promote the affective growth of my students in what way?
Prior to my last inservice, I possessed a/an ______ degree of knowledge/skills/attitude about the inservice topic.
When do you believe is the best time for insevice activities to occur?
Where do you believe is the best place for inservice activities to occur?
How long should individual activities be?
Who should determine what inservice programs should be offered?
To meet re-certification purposes
For pay increases
To keep up to date on new developments
For professional or personal growth
it was mandatory
The topic sounded interesting
My participation might benefit my school
In general, I believe the present system of inservice activities
I prefer that following an inservice activity, tests be given which measure what I learned during the activity, or, that follow-ups be made to see if I have applied what I learned.
I prefer that the activity stress exposure to new ideas rather than mastery of previous skills.
I prefer that inservice activities stress changing teacher behavior rather than changing student behavior.
I prefer that inservice activates should not stress 'changing' anything but should be more informational in scope.
I prefer that activities, for the most part, should bring together teachers from similar background such as the same subject matter or grade level rather than a general mixture of all teachers from diverse grade levels and backgrounds.
I prefer that inservice activities should stress particular problems occurring in our district rather than educational problems in general.
I prefer that activities should stress subject area problems rather than school problems.
I prefer that teachers and administrators participate together in most activities.
I prefer that all activities be completely voluntary
I prefer that a complete disclosure of the purpose, methods employed, expected outcomes and benefits, and persons involved, be distributed before a commitment is required.
I prefer that inservice activities be relaxed, informal, and relatively non-intrusive.
I prefer that more activities should be included which entail group processes, co-operation, and problem solving amongst teachers and administrators.
I prefer that our educational leaders ask more often what type of inservice programs we want and need.
I prefer that most activities be short, single shot episodes rather than lengthy extended programs.
I prefer that most activities stress areas of curricular concern.
I prefer that a wide variety of inservice activities be made available so that I may pick and choose those which interest me the most.
I prefer that re-certification not be linked to my participation or achievement in inservice activities or additional college course work.
I prefer that activities emphasize how to be a more effective teacher and in improving areas of observed teacher weakness rather than subject matter content.
Please rate the following according to your feelings and thoughts. Choose the answer you agree with most.
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
I would like to see professional development (PD) that ...values and promotes extensive teacher interaction facilitated by administrators who can manage and organize structures which are out of the domain of classroom teacher
... has two major goals: to develop improved attitudes among teachers about themselves and their responsibilities, and to enhance student learning experiences in school
...includes participants and organizers in the PD design process.
...makes a clear plan that includes how PD supports the school/district’s long-term plan
...makes a clear plan that includes a PD needs assessment process.
...makes a clear plan that includes PD goals, including at least the following: improving all students’ learning, improving teacher effectiveness, setting high standards for teachers, promoting continuous staff learning, and enhancing staff intellectual and leadership capacity.
...makes a clear plan that includes PD content, process, and activities and how each supports the goals.
...makes a clear plan that includes research that supports the chosen content/process for PD.
...makes a clear plan that includes resources available to support PD.
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
...makes a clear plan that includes PD evaluation steps.
Shares the plan with the school community.
Allows time for evaluation, feedback, and reflection for future growth and planning

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