Survey Templates Surveys Puma Survey

Puma Survey


1. Have you ever bought a Puma product?
2. What kind of products did you buy?
3. How would you rate Puma's current procuts?
4. How would you rate Puma's style?
5. Do you think Puma should advertise more?
6. What is your favorite color
7. Have you ever bought a car or are you concidering buying a car in the near future (less than a year)?
8. What color is your car, or what color would you like your car to be if you owned one?
9. How much do you, or would you, usually spend on a car?
10. What type of car(s) do you, or would you, buy?
11. Have you ever customized your car?
12. If yes, what do you like to customize?
13. Have you ever bought a Mini Cooper? (if no then skip next two questions)
14. How would you rate the service at Mini Cooper?
15. What color did you get your Mini Cooper?

defniatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
16. If Puma made sport cars you would

definatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
17. If Puma made the apparel in the interior of cars you would

definatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
18. If Puma made rims for cars you would

I definatly hate it
I don't really like it
I like it
I love it
19. How much do you like the Mini Cooper?

definatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
20. If Puma were to disign the interior of the Mini Cooper you would

Horrible idea
Bad idea
Good idea
Great idea
21. Puma designing cars is a

definatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
22. If Puma were to put their logo on the seats of the Mini Cooper you would
23. If Puma made a car with Mini Cooper, what should they primarily advertise on?

defniatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
24. If Puma did not put any logos in the seats of the car you would

Definatly hate it
not really like it
like it
love it
25. If Puma made a specially designed rim with a puma tiger integrated as the front part of the rim you would
26. Give your opinions on the Puma-designed Mini Cooper
27. Which of minicooper's current styles would you like to see in the special Puma edition (you may select more than one answer)?
28. You are:
29. What is your maritial status?
30. How old are you?

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