Survey Templates Surveys Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Dear Participant,

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out the following questions. They will be used in a thesis paper for the Organizational Management course at Endicott College for the attainment of my Master’s in Education. The study is currently entitled: “Intellectual Property and the Internet: The Creation, Growth, Controversy and Downfall.”

Your participation in this study will help to decipher the validity of my research and to further investigation into what has become one of the hottest Internet topics of today. In order to maintain 95% competency and accuracy of answers, this survey will be distributed to over 300 participants.

If you would like to see the final tabulated results, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] with subject “IP Survey - Please Send Results” and I will place you on a list for notification when the paper is finalized in January 2005. If you would like to make comments, suggestions for further research or even feel that the wording does not work in a particular question, please feel free to e-mail me at the said e-mail address with subject “IP Suggestions.” All answers, requests and suggestions will be kept confidential.

Thank you again for your assistance.

Please begin the survey now by clicking on the Next button below.

~Jenn K.

Please specify your age.
Please specify your gender.
Please specify the highest level of education achieved at the time of this survey.
Please specify your current yearly income.
Please specify your Job title/category. Choose the one that best fits.
Please specify the approximate size of your company / school.
Please specify how long you have worked in your current position.
Does your company have one or more central offices engaged in intellectual property management including identification, protection, promotion or commercialization?
When you first started your job, did you have to sign an intellectual property waiver to your rights as the developer/author/creator?
When you signed that waiver, did you know what it meant?

"I currently hold NO opinion of the protection over Intellectual Property on the Internet."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"I have NO opinion about what alternative methods could be used to protect an individual or on how involved the U.S. Government should become in creating laws to protect the original tangible items."

At Work
At Home
At School
My time is evenly distributed.
Not Sure
"I spend most of my internet downloading and browsing time..."
Have you ever illegally downloaded a song from the internet?

Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
How important to you is it to be able to download songs/books/art from the internet for free?

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"Intellectual Property rights are important to me."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"Intellectual Property rights are important in order to foster creativity."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"It's OK for a webmaster to disable the right click or back button so that you cannot copy text or images on the web page."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
The use of the word 'public' in the phrase "public domain" infers that everything in it is free."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
U.S. Laws should be amended to set stronger fines and sentences on those who abuse intellectual property rights.
"I know my intellectual property rights."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"Fair Use" means that you can copy as much as you want providing it is not verbatim and you give credit to the author.
Do you know what "Open Source" is?

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
Do you agree with the "Open Source" movement and their goals/objectives?

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"I am an Open Source contributor."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
Companies like Microsoft need to be "stopped" because software prices for all companies are getting out of hand.

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
"Monetary compensation is all that matters for Internet copyright protection."
If you posted art/writing/music to the Internet, you would want to be recognized as the original author.
Pay services like "Napster" are more ethical than free services like "Morpheus" or "Limewire."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
Free "Peer-to-peer" applications do not infringe any U.S. Copyright laws.

The Internet is a public and free domain leaving original artwork, thoughts and projects susceptible to the "right-click discount."

Strongly Agree
Not Sure
Strongly Disagree
Alternative sources of code and scripting on the Web as well as concentratred laws to Internet posting and protection from the U.S. Government would lead to a LOSS of rights to Personal Intellectual Property.

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