Survey Templates Surveys Marketing Agency Industry Survey

Marketing Agency Industry Survey

Marketing Agency Industry Survey

Please select the geographical area in which your company is located.
How many full-time employees does your company have?
Which one of the following best describes your core business activity?
Which of the following best describe(s) the industry sector(s) of your clients? (Mark as many options as required)
Please indicate the percentage of projects in which you provide web-based solutions to your clients.
Which of the following web-based solutions have you used? (Mark as many options as required)
Please indicate the extent to which you have used web-based solutions as part of the following marketing activities.
Often Used
Rarely Used
Never Used
Launching a new product
Targeting new audiences
Improving customer dialogue
Creating and managing a database
Driving sample campaigns
Increasing brand loyalty
Please indicate where you currently source the development of web-based solutions required by your clients (Mark as many options as required).
Do you also source the creative design needs from your external technology providers or partners?
Please indicate the extent to which your clients are demanding the implementation of the following web-based solutions.
High Demand
Medium Demand
Low Demand
Interactive Web Sites
SMS texting
Wireless applications
Community Web Portals
Digital Databases
Which of the following best describe(s) the challenge(s) to implementing web-based solutions for your clients? (Mark as many options as required)
In the future, where would you prefer to source your web-based technology requirements? (Mark as many options as required)
Why would you prefer in-house sourcing of technology requirements to external providers? (Mark as many options as required)
What capabilities will you be looking for in a technology provider? (Mark as many options as required)
Thinking now of internal processes within your own organisation, please indicate the extent of usage of the following solutions.
Currently Using
Never Used
Plan to Use
Intranet Development
Extranet Development
Content Creation and Content Management
Electronic Campaign Workflow
Digital Asset Management
Which of the following best describe(s) the challenge(s) to implementing web-based solutions for internal purposes? (Mark as many options as required)
Please indicate particular web-based solution needs that from your perspective are not being catered for by existing technology providers.

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