Survey Templates Surveys CIART AEE Survey


AEE Survey

Which of the following best describes your involvement with AEEs?
Which do you do most of?
What type of organisation/consultancy do you work in?

(select as applicable)
How many staff at your organisation (your location/branch only) participate in the preparation of AEEs?
Which (if any) of the following professional institutes/associations are you a member of?
What do you consider to be your main area of specialisation? (e.g. surveyor, resource management lawyer, soil scientist, ecologist etc.)
How many years experience do you have with preparing (or contributing to) AEEs?
If relevant, please specify what tertiary level qualification(s) you have? (e.g. BA (History), BSc(Zoology), BTP etc.)
Have you had any specific training in AEE/EIA (environmental impact assessment)? e.g. EIA papers at university, AEE training courses, in-house AEE/EIA training etc.
Please specify what this training was and its extent (e.g. in-house training course – half day, EIA paper at university – full year)
With regards to the training you stated you had in the previous question, please state to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement:

This training adequately equipped me for my current involvement with AEEs
How many AEEs have you prepared (or contributed to) during the last twelve months (individually or as a team member)?
Briefly describe the type and scale of assessment activities with which you are predominantly involved. e.g. "subdivisions- individual property owners", "discharges into waterways – large industry".
When preparing (or contributing to) an AEE do you use formal in-house guidelines? e.g. manual written by someone within the organisation.
If your organisation has any in-house guidelines, briefly describe their nature.
When preparing (or contributing to) an AEE do you use any guidelines published by a district/regional council or MfE?
Please name these guidelines.
18.When preparing (or contributing to) an AEE which of the following (if any) do you use for guidance?
EIA texts
Professional intuition/judgement
Fourth Schedule (RMA)
Regional/District plans & policies
Previous experience with similar assessments
Council/Practitioner forums
Environment Court case law
Please specify any others that you use
20.Do you use any of the following in your AEE work?
Expert EIA system
Project specific guidelines
Computer simulations/models
Fourth Schedule (RMA)
Please specify any others that you use
Before conducting an AEE, do you discuss the scope and content of the assessment with the relevant regional/district council?
23.Briefly explain why you never discuss the scope and content of AEEs with regional/district councils
24.When preparing an AEE report how much emphasis do you place on each of the following?

(please indicate on the scale of relative importance)
Very important
Quite important
Less important
Not important
Getting technical details correct
Ensuring the information is relevant to council staff
Making the text jargon free
Providing a summary of the main conclusions
Use of illustrative diagrams, photos and graphs
Reference to any limitations or assumptions made in the assessment method
25.How often do you include the following in an AEE?

(please tick as applicable)
Not applicable
Identification of those aspects of the environment that need to be monitored
The development of a detailed monitoring programme
Recommendations for specific mitigation measures
Assessment of alternative locations
Recommendations for technological improvements
Do the AEEs that you prepare (or contribute to) get peer-reviewed before being submitted to a consent authority?
What do you see as being the principal functions of an AEE?

(select as applicable)
Please specify any others you consider important
Choose the five most important elements in conducting an AEE.
Please specify any others you consider important

This section is aimed at determining how you, as a preparer of AEEs, view the role of consent authorities in the resource consent process.

For the next three statements please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
When approached, regional/district council staff are helpful in providing information regarding what an AEE should include.
I find that when I deal with the same council they are usually consistent in the way they review AEEs for similar types of activities.
I find that there is usually consistency in the way different councils review AEEs for similar types of activities.

Following an amendment to the RMA, section 88(3) refers to the ability of the consent authority to reject a resource consent application if it …does not include an adequate assessment of environmental effects….

The following statements reflect different perspectives as to what an adequate AEE might be. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement:

An adequate AEE...
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
is a technical document
covers all possible effects or impacts
is prepared by professional and specialists
should not need s.92 request for further information
focuses only on key concerns and issues
contains precise scientific information on possible effects
responds to community concerns
should closely follow the 4th schedule of the RMA
attempts to predict scientific effects or impacts
focuses mainly on what council decision-makers need to know
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
should identify issues then suggest mitigation and management responses
addresses planning requirements of the relevant district/regional plans
Are there any other aspects of AEE adequacy you would like to add?
Is there anything else you would like to express in relation to the AEE process in New Zealand?
Which of the following do you work in?
Which council do you work for?

(this information is required only for sample representativeness purposes)
Which (if any) of the following professional institutes/associations are you a member of?
What is your job title? (e.g. planner, policy analyst etc.)
If relevant, please specify what tertiary level qualification(s) you have? (e.g. BA (History), BSc(Zoology), BTP etc.)
Have you had any specific
training in AEE or EIA (environmental impact assessment)? e.g. EIA papers at university, AEE training courses, in-house AEE/EIA training, etc.
Please specify what this training was and its extent (e.g. in-house training course – half day, EIA paper at university – full year)
With regards to the training you stated you had in the previous question, please state to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement:

"This training adequately equipped me for my current involvement with AEEs"
How many years experience do you have with either reviewing and/or preparing AEEs?
How many AEEs have you reviewed during the last twelve months?

The aim of this section is to determine if you use any informal/formal guidelines when reviewing AEEs, and if so, then what they are.

Please indicate how often (if ever) you use the following when reviewing AEEs.

Not aware of any/ do not have any
Written guidelines prepared by yourself
Formal council guidelines (e.g. manual written by someone within the organisation)
MfE guidelines
If used, briefly describe the nature of the guidelines
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

"Official guidelines (those published by councils or MfE) on how to review AEEs are satisfactory"
48.In determining the adequacy of an AEE which (if any) of the following do you use?
Professional intuition/judgement
Fourth Schedule (RMA)
Regional/District plans & policies
Previous experience with similar assessments
Council/Practitioner forums
Would you like to make any further comments on how you review AEEs?

Following an amendment to the RMA, section 88(3) refers to the ability of the consent authority to reject a resource consent application if it ...does not include an adequate assessment of environmental effects...

The following statements reflect different perspectives as to what an adequate AEE might be. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement:

An adequate AEE...
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
is a technical document
covers all possible effects or impacts
is prepared by professional and specialists
should not need s.92 request for further information
focuses only on key concerns and issues
contains precise scientific information on possible effects
responds to community concerns
should closely follow the 4th schedule of the RMA
attempts to predict scientific effects or impacts
focuses mainly on what council decision-makers need to know
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
should identify issues then suggest mitigation and management responses
addresses planning requirements of the relevant district/regional plans
Are there any other aspects of AEE adequacy you would like to add?
Of the resource consents that you have reviewed in the last twelve months approximately what proportion did you request further information for?
Of the resource consent applications that you requested further information for in the last twelve months, what, generally, was the scale of the proposed activities?
Of the resource consents that you have processed in the last twelve months what proportion did you return to the applicant on the basis of an inadequate AEE?
Of the resource consent applications that you returned to the applicants, on the basis of an inadequate AEE, what was the scale of the proposed activities?
Generally, the quality of the AEEs that are prepared by professional resource management consultants are:
Generally, the quality of the AEEs that are prepared by non-professional laypeople are:
Is there anything else you would like to express in relation to the AEE process in New Zealand?
If you would be willing to participate in such a group, please provide your




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