Survey Templates Surveys Sheldon fall 2004 community

Sheldon fall 2004 community

Sheldon fall 2004

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Personality and Life Satisfaction Survey! In this study we will ask you to complete a variety of questionnaires concerning your emotions, beliefs, goals, attitudes, and experiences. Your participation in this project is voluntary, and you do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. This project is not expected to involve risks greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life. Although it is not possible to identify all potential risks in the study, all reasonable safeguards have been taken to minimize any potential risks.

The results of this project may be published, but only group data will be reported. Your confidentiality will be safeguarded, although you should know that we may be unable to protect confidentiality in the event of a subpoena. If you decide to withdraw during the study, you will not be penalized in any way. You must be at least 18 to take part in the study.

In order for you to begin taking this survey, we must have your informed consent. Normally, informed consent MUST be documented by the use of a written consent form approved by the Campus Institutional Review Board of the University of Missouri-Columbia and signed by you or your legally authorized representative. However, a waiver of this requirement can be granted by the University of Missouri-Columbia Campus Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research, in accordance with 45 CFR 46, and has been requested here.

In this study, you will give your informed consent by clicking 'yes' below. When you choose a 'yes' response, you agree that you have read the consent information provided here, you are at least 18, and you give your consent to participate in this study. The presence of a 'yes' in your data will indicate that you give your informed consent to participate here. If you have any questions about this research project, or if you wish to obtain a written copy of the consent written here, please contact Yuna Engle at [email protected]. For additional information regarding human participation in research, please feel free to contact the UMC Campus IRB Office at 573-882-9585. Remember, you may stop your participation at any time without penalty, and you may refuse to answer any question.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: THIS SURVEY WAS DESIGNED TO BE SPREAD ACROSS YOUR ENTIRE COMPUTER SCREEN. If you are viewing this survey in a smaller window (it is in a box on your screen), we advise you to expand to the entire screen at this time (click on the center box image in the upper right of this survey window). You will find that the questions are easier to read and to understand when they are laid out as we intended. In turn, you will then be able to answer the questions more quickly.

IF YOU DECIDE TO STOP taking the survey at any time, please remember to close your browser.
What is your ethnic category?
If you are American, whom do you, or did you, prefer: Bush or Kerry?
What is your citizenship? Please type in a country.
INSTRUCTIONS: This is a grant-funded study of feelings, attitudes, and values. We will ask you many questions about yourself, which you will hopefully find to be interesting and stimulating. Please take the questions seriously! But do not obsess too long over any one question – just give your first response, after you understand the question. Also, please follow all instructions, and be as open and honest as possible in your responding -- we are not interested in individual responses, only group patterns. Also, please do not to leave any questions blank – make your best guess if you’re not sure!
Below are a number of different feelings and emotions. For each feeling, please indicate how much and how often you feel this way in general in your life .

not at all
a little
quite a bit
all the time
1. interested
2. irratable
3. distressed
4. alert
5. excited
6. ashamed
7. upset
8. inspired
9. strong
10. nervous
not at all
a little
quite a bit
all the time
11. guilty
12. determined
13. scared
14. attentive
15. hostile
16. jittery
17. enthusiastic
18. active
19. proud
20. afraid
Please rate your agreement with each statement right now in your life .

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
21. In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.
22. The conditions of my life are excellent.
23. I am satisfied with my life.
24. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
25. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.

not a very happy person
a very happy person
26. In my life right now, I consider myself:

much less happy
less happy
equally happy
more happy
much more happy
27. Compared to most of my peers right now, I consider myself:

not at all
a great deal
28. Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of everything. To what extent does this characterization describe you, right now in your life?
29. Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they might be. To what extent does this characterization describe you, right now in your life?
Please rate your agreement with the statements below, based on how you feel right now.

very slightly or not at all
a little
quite a bit
30. I judge myself by what I think is important, not by the values of what others think is important.
31. I am quite good at mastering the many responsibilities of my daily life.
32. I have given up trying to make big improvements or changes in my life.
33. I have not experienced many warm and trusting relationships with others.
34. I sometimes feel as I've done all there is to do in life.
35. In many ways, I feel disappointed about my achievements in life.
36. I have confidence in my own opinions, even if they are contrary to the general consensus.
37. The demands of everyday life often get me down.
38. For me, life has been a continuous process of learning, changing, and growth.
39. People would describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others.
very slightly or not at all
a little
quite a bit
40. Some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them.
41. I like most aspects of my personality.
42. I tend to be influenced by people with strong opinions.
43. In general, I feel I am in charge of the situation in which I live.
44. I think it is important to have new experiences that challenge how you think about yourself and your world.
45. Maintaining close relationships has been difficult and frustrating for me.
46. I live life one day at a time and don't really think about the future.
47. When I look at the story of my life, I am pleased with how things have turned out.
In my life. Please read each of the following items carefully, thinking about how it relates to your life, and then indicate how true it is for you.

In my life,

Not at all true
Somewhat true
Very true
48. My choices are based on my true interests and values.
49. I feel that I am successfully completing difficult tasks and projects.
50. I feel a sense of contact with people who care for me, and whom I care for.
51. I feel free to do things my own way.
52. I feel that I am taking on and mastering hard challenges.
53. I feel close and connected with other people who are important to me.
54. I feel that my choices express my “true self.”
55. I feel very capable in what I do.
56. I feel a strong sense of intimacy with the people I spend time with.
57. I feel like I am free to decide for myself how to live my life.
Not at all true
Somewhat true
Very true
58. I really like the people I interact with.
59. Often, I do not feel very competent.
60. I feel pressured in my life.
61. People I know tell me I am good at what I do.
62. I get along with people I come into contact with.
In my life (cont.) Please continue indicating how true the following items are for you.

In my life,

Not at all true
Somewhat true
Very true
63. I pretty much keep to myself and don't have a lot of social contacts.
64. I generally feel free to express my ideas and opinions.
65. I consider the people I regularly interact with to be my friends.
66. I have been able to learn interesting new skills recently.
67. In my daily life, I frequently have to do what I am told.
68. People in my life care about me.
69. Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment from what I do.
70. People I interact with on a daily basis tend to take my feelings into consideration.
71. In my life I do not get much of a chance to show how capable I am.
72. There are not many people that I am close to.
Not at all true
Somewhat true
Very true
73. I feel like I can pretty much be myself in my daily situations.
74. The people I interact with regularly do not seem to like me much.
75. I often do not feel very capable.
76. There is not much opportunity for me to decide for myself how to do things in my daily life.
77. People are generally pretty friendly towards me.
Personality traits. Here are a number of personality traits that may or may not apply to you. Please indicate how much each pair of traits applies to you. You should rate the extent to which the pair of traits applies to you, even if one characteristic applies more strongly than the other.

Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
78. Extraverted, enthusiastic.
79. Critical, quarrelsome
80. Dependable, self-disciplined
81. Anxious, easily upset
82. Open to new experiences, complex
83. Reserved, quiet
84. Sympathetic, warm
85. Disorganized, careless
86. Calm, emotionally stable
87. Conventional, uncreative
More trait adjectives. Here are some more trait adjectives. Please rate the extent to which each applies to you.

Strongly disagree
Moderately agree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
88. Shy
89. Insecure
90. Considerate
91. Irresponsible
92. Imaginative
93. Talkative
94. Cheerful
95. Self-centered
96. Orderly
97. Unartistic
Strongly disagree
Moderately agree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
98. Active
99. Moody
100. Cooperative
101. Organized
102. Curious
103. Area 1: School/Work/Vocation
104. Area 2: Family/Relationships
105. Area 3: Health/Fitness
106. Area 4: Personal growth/development
Now here are some questions about your four goals.

How well have you done in the past in pursuing each of these goals?
Not at all
Very much
107. School/Work/Vocational Goal
108. Family/Relationships Goal
109. Health/Fitness Goal
110. Personal Growth/Development Goal
How much progress are you currently making in each of these goals?
Not at all
Very much
111. School/Work/Vocation Goal
112. Family/Relationships Goal
113. Health/Fitness Goal
114. Personal Growth/Development Goal
How well do you expect to do in the future in pursuing each goal?
Not at all
Very much
115. School/Work/Vocation Goal
116. Family/Relationships Goal
117. Health/Fitness Goal
118. Personal Growth/Development Goal
Reasons for goals.
Below are four possible reasons for pursuing goals. Please rate why you are pursuing each of your goals, in terms of each reason.

REASON 1. To what extent are you pursuing each goal because you feel you have to-- because the situation demands it, or somebody important wants you to do it?
Not at all for this reason
Somewhat for this reason
Very much for this reason
119. School/Work/Vocation Goal
120. Family/Relationships Goal
121. Health/Fitness Goal
122. Personal Growth/Development Goal
REASON 2. To what extent are you pursuing each goal because you are forcing yourself-- because you would feel guilty, anxious, or ashamed of yourself if you didn't?
Not at all for this reason
Somewhat for this reason
Very much for this reason
123. School/Work/Vocation Goal
124. Family/Relationships Goal
125. Health/Fitness Goal
126. Personal Growth/Development Goal
REASON 3. To what extent are you pursuing each goal because you wholeheartedly want to pursue it-- because you identify with it, even when its not fun and enjoyable?
Not at all for this reason
Somewhat for this reason
Very much for this reason
127. School/Work/Vocation Goal
128. Family/Relationships Goal
129. Health/Fitness Goal
130. Personal Growth/Development Goal
REASON 4. To what extent are you pursuing each goal because of the enjoyment or stimulation that it provides you-- because it is intrinsically interesting and challenging?
Not at all for this reason
Somewhat for this reason
Very much for this reason
131. School/Work/Vocation Goal
132. Family/Relationships Goal
133. Health/Fitness Goal
134. Personal Growth/Development Goal
This section contains feelings you might have about yourself. Please rate your agreement with each statement about you.

Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
135. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.
136. At times I think I am no good at all.
137. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
138. I am able to do things as well as most people.
139. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
140. I certainly feel useless at times.
141. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
142. I wish I could have more respect for myself.
143. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.
144. I take a positive attitude toward myself.
145. "My most desired possible self is________."
146. "My most feared possible self is_______."

HOW CLOSE ARE YOU ALREADY, to each possible self? That is, to what extent are you already like this self?
Not very
147. Desired possible self
148. Feared possible self

How LIKELY is it that each self will come to be? That is, how probable is it that you will become each self in the future?
Not very
149. Desired possible self
150. Feared possible self

To what extent do you feel that you can CONTROL whether or not you will become each self? That is, to what extent do you feel you have the ability to successfully approach (or avoid approaching) each possible self?
Not very
151. Desired possible self
152. Feared possible self
SOCIAL SUPPORT. The next section asks about people in your environment who provide you with help or support. Each question has two parts. For the first part, think of the names of all the people you know, excluding yourself, whom you can really count on for help or support in the manner described. Count them up, and bubble in the correct number. For the second part, rate how satisfied you are with the overall support these people give you in this area.

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
153. How many people can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
154. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
155. How many people can you really count on to console you when you are very upset? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
156. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
157. How many people really accept you totally, including both your worst and your best points? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
158. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
159. How many people can you really count on to care about you, regardless of what is happening to you? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
160. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
161. How many people can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
162. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more people
163. How many people can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tense? (If you cannot think of any, please leave this question blank.)

Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
164. How satisfied are you with your overall support in this area?
Person 1:
Person 2:
PERCEPTIONS OF PERSON 1. The following questions concern person 1’s way of being with you.
Not at all
Very much
166. I feel that this person provides me choices and options.
167. I feel understood by this person.
168. This person conveys confidence in my ability to do well in life.
169. This person encourages me to ask questions.
170. This person listens to how I would like to do things.
171. This person tries to understand how I see things before suggesting a new way to do things.
PERCEPTIONS OF PERSON 2. The following questions concern person 2’s way of being with you.
Not at all
Very much
172. I feel that this person provides me choices and options.
173. I feel understood by this person.
174. This person conveys confidence in my ability to do well in life.
175. This person encourages me to ask questions.
176. This person listens to how I would like to do things.
177. This person tries to understand how I see things before suggesting a new way to do things.
As you may have noticed, the previous questions focused on four important areas of life:

1) your personality traits and habits, 2) your personal goals and values, 3) your self-images and self-concept, and 4) your social support and personal relationships. We wanted to know how things stand, for you, within each area.

Now, we’d like to look across areas, to learn how each area of your life relates to each other area. The question is, how does the general situation or status quo in each area affect the general situation or status quo in each other area?

Here are definitions of each area:

TRAITS: your habitual ways of acting and reacting in the world (e.g., extraverted, quiet, anxious, active, disorganized).

GOALS: your conscious values, purposes, and objectives (e.g., your school/work goal, your family/relationships goal).

SELVES: the dominant self-images and self-concepts you live inside (e.g., your desired/feared selves).

IMMEDIATE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: your primary personal relationships and social network.

First, please rate whether each area of your life is consistent or inconsistent with each other area. Does each particular area of your life, taken as a whole, tend to harmonize with, or instead to clash with, each other area? The first few items focus on your habitual personality traits. How consistent or inconsistent is the way you typically behave in life with the other elements of your life? For example, a restless and high energy person may find it hard to sit still for the hours needed to meet a goal of being a successful writer.

How consistent are your PERSONALITY TRAITS with...
Very different or inconsistent
Very similar or consistent
178. Your goals and objectives.
179. The way you think about yourself - your self-image.
180. Your relationships and social networks.
How consistent are your GOALS AND OBJECTIVES with...
Very different or inconsistent
Very similar or consistent
181. The way you think about yourself - your self-image.
182. Your relationships and social networks.
How consistent is your SELF IMAGE with...
Very different or inconsistent
Very similar or consistent
183. Your relationships and social networks.
Next, we would like to know whether each area of your life has a positive or a negative impact upon each other area. “Negative impact” means that the area works against or undermines the other area (i.e., the trait of restlessness undermines a writing goal), and “positive impact” means that the two areas support or strengthen each other (i.e., agreeableness makes social relationships easier). Note that the impact goes in both directions, and we ask you to rate them each way. First focus again on your personality traits and personal habits and behaviors.
How much impact do your PERSONALITY TRAITS have on...
Strong negative impact
Moderate negative impact
Slight negative impact
No impact
Slight positive impact
Moderate positive impact
Strong positive impact
184. Your goals and objectives.
185. Your self-image.
186. Your relationships and social network.
How much impact do your GOALS AND OBJECTIVES have on...
Strong negative impact
Moderate negative impact
Slight negative impact
No impact
Slight positive impact
Moderate positive impact
Strong positive impact
187. Your personality traits.
188. Your self-image.
189. Your relationships and social network
How much impact does your SELF-IMAGE AND CONCEPT have on...
Strong negative impact
Moderate negative impact
Slight negative impact
No impact
Slight positive impact
Moderate positive impact
Strong positive impact
190. Your personality traits.
191. Your goals and objectives.
192. Your relationships and social network.
How much impact do your RELATIONSHIPS and SOCIAL NETWORKS have on...
Strong negative impact
Moderate negative impact
Slight negative impact
No impact
Slight positive impact
Moderate positive impact
Strong positive impact
193. Your personality traits.
194. Your goals and objectives.
195. Your self-image.
Life practices. This next section is about your everyday life practices. These are a variety of things that people do (or try to do), to a greater or lesser extent in life, in order to do well and be happy. Please rate the extent you strive to….

Not at all
Very much
196. Satisfy your basic bodily needs.
197. Develop and use your innate social and cognitive abilities.
198. Satisfy your psychological needs in the process of living.
199. Help create a rich society via spiritual communion, dancing, music-making, joking, and/or athletic competition.
200. Become more extraverted and enthusiastic in life.
201. Become more dependable and self-disciplined in life.
202. Become more creative and open to new experiences in life.
203. Become more sympathetic and warm in life.
204. Become less critical and quarrelsome in life.
205. Change your activities and behaviors, rather than your external circumstances, to try to become happier.
Not at all
Very much
206. Set and pursue goals, as effectively as possible.
207. Develop greater organization in your behavior and goal system.
208. Pursue goals involving intimacy, community and growth, rather than goals involving money, fame, and beauty.
209. Pursue goals because you believe in them, rather than because you “have” to do them.
210. Construct and develop a meaningful life-story.
211. Successfully project yourself to other selves.
212. Use your future self-images to guide your current goal-setting.
213. Be in touch with yourself.
214. Be nice in new situations.
215. Punish those who exploit you when you’re nice.
Not at all
Very much
216. Forgive them when they return to cooperation.
217. Make occasional overtures when you are fighting with someone.
218. Avoid exploiting those who seem to tolerate it.
219. Choose companions who will support you and cooperate with you.
220. Perform your social roles as well as possible.
Life practices (cont.) As in the previous section, please continue to rate the extent you strive to do the following.

Not at all
Very much
221. Choose and enter social roles that best fit your personality characteristics.
222. Do your best to internalize ill-fitting roles, and make them a part of yourself.
223. Be supportive and provide choice when encouraging others to adopt social roles.
224. Adapt to your culture’s norms and prescriptions.
225. Go against the societal grain when it seems necessary.
226. Draw from both self-oriented and group-oriented mentalities, as needed.
227. Serve something beyond yourself, i.e., social, cultural, or spiritual goals.
228. Recognize your place in the larger scheme of things.
229. Think about the larger systems in which you are a part.
230. Work towards balance – don’t sacrifice important feelings to get other important feelings.
Not at all
Very much
231. Focus on obtaining many different kinds of positive feelings and satisfactions.
232. Try to make choices that let you feel connected to others, and do things by your own choice, and be good at what you do.
233. Be prepared to work against (or to try to modify) problematic aspects of yourself or your world.
234. Take action to make necessary changes in yourself or your environment.
235. Don’t settle for the status quo, in either yourself or the world, if the status quo is wrong.
236. Take full responsibility for your goals and choices.
237. Do what you said you would do, no matter what.
238. Stand firmly behind your intentions – otherwise, you have no personal power.
239. Listen to your “inner voice” and be prepared to revise your goals and beliefs if it seems necessary.
240. Be attentive to subtle signals inside yourself, that might guide you to change your prior choices.
Not at all
Very much
241. Listen to your conscience and modify your approach if it is wrong.
Please rate your agreement with each statement below.

No agreement
Some agreement
Much agreement
242. I can and do choose freely what to do in my life, regardless of my past and present circumstances.
243. I am constrained to do only what my past and present circumstances dictate.
244. I can change my habits and behaviors at any time, if I want to.
245. I cannot change my habits and behaviors, even if I want to.
Thank you for completing the Personality and Life Satisfaction Survey!

Email addresses:
Please indicate below which option you prefer:
First name
Last name
Address (include street number, street, city, and zipcode)

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