Survey Templates Surveys Home Staging

Home Staging

Home Staging

Have you ever sold a home? If yes, how many?
Have you ever hired a real estate agent?
Have you ever hired an interior designer or decorator?
Check the button that corresponds to your comfort level with each of the following home improvement projects. If you have never done the project, please check the 'never done' button.
Very comfortable = consider project easy.
Somewhat comfortable = project may require help but can be done.
Not comfortable = would not attempt project.
Very Comfortable
Somewhat Comfortable
Not Comfortable
Never Done
Rearranging Furniture
Organizing Areas of Clutter
Painting Interior Walls and Trim
Replacing Light Fixtures
Replacing Cabinet Hardware (Knobs, Pulls, etc.)
Designing and/or Decorating Rooms in Home
Replacing Faucets in Sinks or Tubs
Have you ever heard of home 'staging'?
If you answered 'yes' to the above question, where?
How long would your house have to be for sale with no interest before you would begin to worry?
Assuming a house has been on the market a long time, what percentage of the selling price would you be willing to spend to improve the chances of the house selling sooner and for more money? (Dollar amounts are based on a $200,000 house)

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