Survey Templates Surveys Conflictquestionnaire



This survey is part of a thesis research conducted by a student International Management at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In this survey, several people, who have operated in the field during peace support operations as a member of a multi-national team, particularly in the last 2 years, will be asked to complete a questionnaire. Completing this questionnaire will take approximately 8 minutes of your time.

The research is about the impact of intragroup conflicts, invoked by differences in national cultures, on team performance in the environment of international peace support operations. Its purpose is to increase team performance in international peace operations by better management and control of these conflicts. Great importance should be attached to this issue due to the rising deployment of multi-national and even multi-organizational teams in contemporary peace support operations.

The survey questions are about international cooperation during these operations, particularly about tasks performed, intragroup conflicts, and team performance. They inquire about your latest experience as a member of a team during peace support operations, within a limit of two years back. Further, due to the international focus of the subject, the questions are focusing on experiences with conflicts among different national cultures and NOT among organizational cultures. This means that frictions between members of different organizations should not be included in the answering of the questions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures or if you would like to receive the outcomes of this research, please contact Matthijs Baaten at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey by clicking on the Continue button below.

How many people formed the team in which you have operated?
Of how many nationalities consisted your team?
What organizations were participating in your team?
What describes the type of tasks you were performing in the team best?
The next part asks about opinions of the task that you and your team have performed during a peace support operation. Please indicate the level in which you agree or disagree with the following assertions:

The technology, required skills, and information needed by the team were constantly changing.
During normal work, exceptions frequently arose that required substantially different methods or procedures for the team.
Frequent interaction between team members was needed to do your work effectively.
Characteristic for our team was that success for one team member implied success for others.
Within my team, people had one-person jobs: that is, people could complete most of the jobs on their own, with no help from others.
Characteristic for our team was that goal attainment for one team member facilitated goal attainment for others.
Often, all the team members met together to discuss how each task, case or claim should be performed or treated in order to do the work in this team.
Characteristic for our team was that benefits for one team member involved benefits for others.
The type of work done in the team was fairly consistent, so that people did the same job in the same way most of the time.
I encountered a lot of variety in my normal working day.
There was a specific “right way” to do things in my job.
My job was boring.
Characteristic for our team was that gain for one team member meant gain for others.
I could predict how long a task would take.
There is much routine in my job.
There were set patterns in my working day.
I felt like I was doing the same things over and over again.
The next statements are about inter-cultural conflicts and how the team considers these conflicts. Please indicate the level in which you agree or disagree with the following assertions:

Conflict was dealt with openly in my team.
People in my team tried to avoid conflict at all costs.
Conflict was detrimental to getting the work done in my team.
Emotional displays (i.e. crying, yelling) were accepted in my team.
Disagreements were encouraged in my team.
Differences of opinions about job responsibilities were avoided in my team.
Team members gave their opinion when it concerned important issues.
Team members expressed their opinions and ideas.
Team members tried new, alternative methods and strategies.
The following questions are about positive and negative disputes that you experienced during a peace support operation. Please answer the questions by indicating the level in which you experienced the phenomenon described:
very little
quite much
a lot
How much anger was there among members with different nationalities in your team?
How much personal friction was there among members with different nationalities in your team?
How much tension was there among members with different nationalities in your team?
How frequently were there conflicts about different ideas among members with different nationalities in your team?
How much differences concerning the content of your work were there in your team?
To what extent were there differences of opinion among members with different nationalities in your team?
The following statements are about the team performance during a peace support operation. Please indicate the level in which you agree or disagree with the following assertions:

Final team team decisions generally reflected the best that could be extracted from the team.
Final team decisions usually extended the quality of team member’s individual input.
Final team decisions were of much higher quality than the initial proposals of the individual members.
Decisions taken by our team did not have a positive effect on the performance of our organization.
Decisions taken by our team generally won golden opinions inside the organization.
Decisions taken by our team generally were of lower quality than decisions taken by other teams within our organization.
Team members always completed their duties specified in their job description.
Team members fulfilled all responsibilities required by the job.
Team members often failed to perform essential duties.
Team members never neglected aspects of the job that they are obligated to perform.
Team members met all the formal performance requirements of the job.
Your team was good in coming up with ways to complete their tasks.
Your team effectively dealt with uncertainty and unexpected events.
At times, your team failed to approach its task adequately.
The members of your team were effective at getting things done quickly.
Your team was very efficient.
What organization were you working for?

In which country did you exercise your tasks during the peace support operation?

What is your nationality?

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