Survey Templates Surveys Americans



Year born
21 and over
under 21
Highest level of education of anyone in the household
Year (e.g. 1999)
Month (e.g. 01 for January)
What is your status as a Canadian resident?
State (specify 2-digit abbreviation e.g. TX, VT)
9.How long did you expect to live in Canada (from the time you arrived)?
Current total household income ($ Canadian)
Why did you move to Canada?
Do any members of your household work in health care or in a health care organization?
If YES, you are a (check all that apply)
In general, how would you describe your own state of health in the 2 years prior to moving to Canada?
In general, how would you describe the state of health of your spouse/partner in the 2 years prior to moving to Canada?
In general, how would you describe the state of health of other members of your household in the 2 years prior to moving to Canada?
In general, how would you describe your own state of health in the past year?
In general, how would you describe the state of health of your spouse/partner in the past year?
In general, how would you describe the state of health of other members of your household in the past year?
Since moving to Canada, has anyone in your household (including you) experienced the following while in Canada (check all that are applicable)
visits to a family doctor
visits to a specialist
visits to a hospital emergency ward
overnight stays in a hospital
prescription drugs (no. of prescriptions for separate drugs, excluding renewals)
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household receive any health care services in the US?
If YES, was the purpose of the trip to get these services?
What was your main American health insurance coverage immediately prior to moving to Canada?
Was your main insurer?
How satisfied were you with your American health insurance immediately prior to moving to Canada
On average, just prior to coming to Canada, about how much money did your household spend each year out-of-pocket on health care (excluding dental care) - e.g., your household's share of health insurance premiums, prescription and non-presription drugs, co-payments or deductibles under your insurance plan, non-covered items ($ per year in U.S. dollars at the time - please specify numbers only, with no $ sign)
On average, how much does your household spend each year on health care (excluding dental care), out-of-pocket, in Canada? If you live in Alberta, British Columbia or Ontario, please exclude the cost of provincial health premiums. ($ per year in Canadian dollars)
Does your household have supplementary health insurance for services not covered by government Medicare through your employer in Canada?
If YES, how is it paid for?
Does your household have supplementary health insurance in Canada that is not purchased through your employer?
not at all
quite a lot
a great deal
When you were living in the US, to what extent did health care coverage influence your choices with respect to: employer - where to look for and accept a job
where to live
whether to stay or leave a job
When you were living in the US, did your household ever have to pay out-of-pocket health care costs that created significant financial hardships?
Since coming to Canada, has your household ever had to pay out-of-pocket health care costs that created significant financial hardships?
Did you have an opinion about the Canadian health care system compared to the US system at the time you were considering a move to Canada?
If YES, did you think the health care system in Canada would be
37.Prior to moving to Canada, on what basis had you formed your opinion of the Canadian health care system:
no influence
some influence
major influence
stories in the US media
stories in the Canadian media
family and/or friends in the US
family and/or friends in Canada
people who work in health in the US
US health insurance companies
US politicians whose opinions you value
discussions with your future employer in Canada
personal experience with Canadian health care
other, please specify in box in the next question
If OTHER, please specify
Did your opinion of Canadian health care influence your decision to come to Canada?
If YES, how did it affect your thinking about the move
On the basis of your experience to date with Canadian health care, would you say it has been
42.Compared to your experiences in the US in the 2 years prior to moving to Canada, please rate the following aspects of the Canadian health care system. If you check "worse" it means you think the Canadian system is worse than the US system. Please leave blank if you don't know, or have no experience with the area in question
Quality of services from family doctor
Wait time to see a family doctor
Quality of services from specialists
Wait time to see specialists
Quality of emergency room services
Wait time to be served in an emergency room
Quality of inpatient hospital services
Wait time for inpatient hospital services
Availability of diagnostic technology (MRI, CT, etc)
Wait time for diagnostic technology (MRI, CT, etc)
Access to prescription drugs
Cost of prescription drugs
Administrative complexity (no. of forms, etc.)
Freedom to choose healthcare provider
43.Overall, rate the following aspects of the Canadian health care system
Access to care (distance to services, ease of making appointments, getting referrals to specialists)
Comprehensiveness of insurance -- extent to which it covers all medically necessary services
Timeliness of services (how long you have to wait)
Quality of care
Out-of-pocket costs to me/my household
Range of available services (whether insured or not)
Availability of sophisticated technology (MRI, CT, ultrasound, bone densitometry, etc.)
Cost of the system relative to the availability and quality of care
44.Overall, rate the following aspects of the American health care system
Access to care (distance to services, ease of making appointments, getting referrals to specialists)
Comprehensiveness of insurance -- extent to which it covers all medically necessary services
Timeliness of services (how long you have to wait)
Quality of care
Out-of-pocket costs to me/my household
Range of available services (whether insured or not)
Availability of sophisticated technology (MRI, CT, ultrasound, bone densitometry, etc.)
Cost of the system relative to the availability and quality of care
45.In your opinion, if you or anyone in your household became seriously ill, would you prefer treatment from (check one response per row)
No preference
A family doctor in:
A specialist in:
An emergency room in:
A hospital in:
Diagnostic technology in:
Prescription drugs in:
46.Taking everything into consideration, check the statement that best reflects your experience of both health care systems
47.Please give the main reason(s) for your response to #46.
52.Did you learn about this survey by reading a news story about it in the newspaper?
If YES, please specify which newspaper (answer "not sure" if you can not remember the newspaper name)
Did you hear about this survey by hearing a story on the radio?
If YES, please specify which outlet (answer "not sure" if you can not remember)
Did you learn about this survey by seeing a story about it on the TV?
If YES, please specify the outlet (answer "not sure" if you can not remember)
Did you learn about this survey by reading an advertisement in the newspaper?
If YES, please specify which newspaper
Did you learn about this survey through any of the following sources(hold the Ctrl key down to choose more than one reply)?

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