Survey Templates Surveys Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents

I. Background Information
Please indicate your age from the ranges listed below:
2. Please indicate your gender:
3. How many years have you been in the Real Estate business?
4. Are you associated with a Real Estate Company?
5. Are you a member of any of the following organizations? (Please check all that apply).
6. If you use email for business, please check your primary e-mail provider.
7. How did you acquire your software skills (e.g. word processing, powerpoint, web development, etc)? Please check all that apply.
8. If you need to acquire more technical skills, which of the following are your preferred learning methods? Please check all that apply.
9. Do you currently use a PDA?
II. Business Related Information
12.1. What makes a successful Real Estate Agent? Please rate the following using a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being very important.
Not Important
Very Important
Lots of deals
Lots of listings
Days on Market (DOM)
A large contact base
Communication skills
Latest technology tools
Affiliation to an organization
13.2. How much do you trust the following people with your business problems? Please rate the following using a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being trust completely.
Do not trust at all
Trust completely
Brokers at your office
Other agents
Personal friends
Mentor or other networks
14.3. Please indicate your average real estate transactions per year:
15.4. Please indicate the average transaction listing amount:
5. How do you obtain your clients? Please check all that apply.
6. How do you keep in contact with your clients? Check all that apply
18.7. Do you have an automated listings and customer relationship management (CRM) system? Please specify your reasons whether you check "yes" or "no".
19.8. Please rate the importance of features you look for in a product that could help you automate your client follow up use a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being very important.
Very important
Not important
Ease of use
Price effectiveness
Training and prompt support
9. What is the maximum amount you are willing to pay per month for a product that allows you to do automatic listings and client follow-up?
10. What are the real estate related activities you conduct on your computer? Check all that apply
11. Do you have a business related website?
12. If you have a website, please indicate the method you use to maintain/update the website.
13. If you do not have a website, please check all that apply
III. Marketing Information
1. Which magazines/newspapers do you read regularly because they are beneficial to your business?
2. Which of the following industry related gatherings do you regularly attend? Please check all that apply
3. Have you attend a conference for networking opportunities?
4. Where do you obtain information to improve your marketing skills?
IV. PropertyMinder
1. Have you ever heard of PropertyMinder?
2. How did you hear about PropertyMinder?
3. Do you use PropertyMinder?
4. Which is your subscription service?
35.5. Please rate the usefulness of PropertyMinder toolkit services using a scale from 1 to 5. 5 been very useful
Not useful
Very useful
Open Homes
Home care vendor services
Property Minder Tutorial
MLS searches
Customer Relationship management (Managing customer groups, emails)
Inventory manager (featured listings and properties)
36.6. Are you satisfied with PropertMinder’s services?
Very satisfied
Not satisfied
You have reached the end of survey.
Thank you for your participation!
As a way of expressing our thanks we will be conducting a drawing for two $25 Gift Certificates. If you wish to be entered for a drawing for one of the two $25 Gift Certificates please enter your email address:

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