Survey Templates Surveys Stewardship




This survey is designed to assist you in thinking through 31 critical behaviours in key areas of discipline for leading, and living, a credible personal,
organisational and public life. The tool is part of a framework for assisting individuals in working in a complex, diverse, inclusive and multicultural environment. It will also assist the Graduate School of Business, through research, in establishing a baseline against which to measure future development and success of individuals such as yourself.

Please review each item and fill in the applicable number (in the box on the
right-hand side of the row) that describes your current behaviours or actions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Champions stewardship and the growth of a good, sustainable civil society


1 -- I have not started demonstrating this behaviour; there is still a significant gap in doing so

2 -- I have started demonstrating this behaviour and I am making some progress

3 -- I regularly demonstrate this behaviour and I am making good progress

4 -- I regularly demonstrate this behaviour and I am making significant progress in mastering this behaviour

5 -- I have mastered this behaviour and I am mentoring others in doing the same

Observe, review, recommend, model and reward behaviours that value a sustainable civil society, good ethics and good corporate governance (continual process
Take responsibility for making explicit the individual, and organisational, mental models and mindsets (both positive and negative) as it relates to these issues
Encourage employees to communicate when they have been targets of actions and behaviours that attempted to make them deviate from good ethics, good corporate governance and promotion of a sustainable and accountable civil society
Use gender-appropriate, as well as culturally-appropriate language
Challenge others when they make assumptions about employee career interests and commitment levels based on stereotypes
Require (insist on) the necessary respect from colleagues with regard to issues relating to ethical public living
Publicly recognise ethical public living (especially during trying or difficult times)
Sponsor and encourage events, and social functions, that celebrate and/or highlight the positive contribution of actions and behaviours of people who promote a sustainable civil society, good ethics and good corporate governance
Constantly search for success cases in other business-units, companies, organisations and countries and raise awareness within my own organisation of those successes
Make use of all the available communication tools (newsletters, Intranet, Internet, articles in business press, papers in academic journals, workshops, etc.) to raise awareness of the need for, performance as a result of, and successes with good corporate governance, accountable management and leadership, responsible and ethical actions by colleagues and employees that adds to current- and future value for my organisation and society
Ensure that all employees are made aware of the need to shape organisational policy, work practices and learning processes to promote good ethics, values, and good corporate governance

Clarity of shared vision and commitment towards a desired society

Create and instil a climate & culture of regular, responsible communication, feedback and disclosure
In consultation with my entire organisation, build a coherent set of short-term- and long-term goals as it relates to public values, good corporate governance and civil society
Share the business case for the above, and require regular feedback from others on it
Ensure that all employees know what the vision is regarding the above, and engage the support of all employees
Build the above into the organisational reward structure as each of the milestones, along the road to achieving the shared vision, is met
Set time aside for dialoguing and storytelling (provide an open, reflective and professionally facilitated forum – once trust has already been established – where people can offload accumulated negative feelings, experiences, joy, pain, hope, fears regarding the above issues, and together seek solutions to achieve their goals and address their difficulties)
Allow for the expression of emotion as it relates to the above, without allowing it to impact negatively on others, the organisation or society
Demonstrate that I recognise and accept that people are unique and different, and that that is a strength
Establish an organisational culture that embraces and values good corporate governance, good ethics, healthy & sustainable personal and public values at all levels (not only at senior management levels)
Commit to the process of clarifying conscious beliefs of colleagues regarding the above

Demonstrates commitment and urgency through delivery

Proactively seek to establish the measurement, using quantitative- and qualitative measures, of the effect and impact of various dimensions of stewardship in the organisation (such as personal vision, personal mastery, vulnerability & maturity, risk-taking & experimentation, mentoring, championing of stewardship, shared vision and the valuing of diversity) and establish a programme to achieve them
Promote dialogue between parties in conflict over differences, regarding our/the programme, at all levels in the organisation (regular feedback and review)
Being realistic in setting up our/a programme focusing on valuing the dimensions above (personal & organisational), as consideration needs to be given to time, workload, effort and other ‘hidden’ constraints
Being seen to share the responsibility for results of our/the programme
Seen to uphold decisions made together, after consultation with diverse inputs and people
Build on best practices in other business units (and/or companies and organisations) - share strategies that have helped other organisations and companies, people with different capabilities and people from other cultures, to overcome barriers to growth and advancement of the dimensions above (personal & organisational)
Accept personal accountability for not achieving results, or delivery, with regard to the programme’s goals and performance
Establish and communicate high expectations (and standards) with regard to programme implementation and delivery
Provide employees with clear, specific performance expectations against the programme
Broadcast successes around the issues
Full Name
Organisational Position
Years Work Experience

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