Survey Templates Surveys Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters

1. How long have you been a Big Brother Big Sister mentor?
2. Have you worked with the same student during this time?
3. If you answered 'no' please explain.
What is your mentoring site?
4. Did you receive any training prior to or during your mentoring experiences? If so please explain.
5. Have you ever volunteered or worked with children before? If so please explain.
6. If yes, in these experiences have you ever had a strong one-on -one relationship with a child?
7. Do you have any siblings
8. What inspired you to be part of the BBBS program?
9. Have problems ever arisen in the context of your mentoring relationship? If so please explain.
10. Please describe your relationship with your mentee including the types of activities you do in and outside of school.
11. Please describe the types of things you and your mentee talk about.
12. The Big Brother Big Sister program has met the expectations I had for it.
13. I feel as though I am positively contributing to the well-being of my mentee.
14. I feel as though I was prepared for my role as a mentor.
15. I understand what it means to be in a mentoring relationship.
16. I am interested in learning more about what it means to be a mentor.
17. I am interested in learning more about the benefits of mentoring.
18. I have an adequate sense of my mentee's family and social background.
19. I have encountered individuals or groups with similar family backgrounds and social circumstances prior to this experiene.
20. In my experiences mentoring there have been times when I feel as if I am a parent to my metee.
21. I am familiar with the term 'at-risk factors' in relation to children and youth.
22. I am familiar wih the term 'resiliency' in relation to child development.
23. I am satisfied with the preparation I recieved for BBBS.
24. I am a role model for my mentee.
25. In my experiences mentoring there have been times when I have been uncertain as to how to interact with my mentee.
26. I am a freind of my mentee.
27. I emphasize and model the importance of expressing feelings appropriately in my mentoring interactions.
28. I emphasize and model the importance of builidng relationships with others in my mentoring interactions.
29. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears interested.
30. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears like they are having a good time.
31. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears talkative.
32. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears appreciated.
33. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears excited.
34. When I am with my mentee, he or she appears excited.
35. When I am with my mentee, I demonstrate a high level of respect.
36. When I am with my mentee, I demonstrate good listening skills in conversation.
37. When I am with my mentee I encourage new ways of interacting with others and dealinw with conflict.
38. I feel like BBBS is just another after school program and there is not opportunity for relationships.
39. I feel close to my mentee.
40. When I am with my mentee I feel frustrated.
41. When I am with my mentee I feel enthusiastic and interested.
42. When I am with my mentee I feel trusted.
43. I am willing to participate in a brief follow-up interview. Please send your name and best way to reach you to [email protected] if you agree to participate- thank you.

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