Survey Templates New Product/Concept Testing Surveys Sunrise Employees Survey

Sunrise Employees Survey

Concept test survey for a new product/service concept.

At Sunrise we aim to provide customers with a range of shopping choices and channels to provide total customer fulfillment. Please spare few minutes to complete this survey and help us serve our customers better.
What are the important reasons, according to you, for customers visiting Sunrise on a scale of 5 to 1, 5 being extremely important and 1 being least important? Check all that may apply.
Extremely important
Least important
Location of the outlet
Quality of the products
Freshness of Vegetables, Butchery, etc
Vast Choice of Products or Service
Good Customer Service
Good Value for money
Spacious aisles aiding convenience of movement
Legible signage
Others (Please specify)
Have you shopped online before?
Were you satisfied with your online shopping experiences?
Why were you dissatisfied?
Online shopping offers 3 very practical benefits. First is the convenience of anytime anywhere shopping, Second is a vast choice and third is the price. However it also has many disadvantages such as lack of a personal/social experience while shopping, uncertainties in fulfillment and credit card security issues. Given the above do you think online shopping will succeed in Sunrise?
Please state two reasons to support your view that online shopping will succeed? (After responding go to Q.8)
Please state two reasons to support your view that online shopping will not succeed?
What software do you use / have used?
If you are a shopping mall tenant would you be willing to support an online shopping initiative at Sunrise with a financial commitment?
If Sunrise implements online shopping, would you be willing to get trained?
On an average you work:
Your work involves (Check all that may apply)
Most of the time
Showing and explaining your products/services to the customers
Packing the products
Delivery of products / Service
Collecting Cash
Shelving the products
Handling inventory at the main store
Customer returns and complaints
Cleanliness of the shop
Others (Please specify)
Your gender:
How long have you been associated with Sunrise?