Survey Templates Surveys Doctors (Wave 2) India

Doctors (Wave 2) India



During your first few months in the hospital, you are likely to work with a senior doctor or supervisor who might help you learn the ropes of the profession and hospital. In effect, this person is also a mentor. The items in this section inquire about the help provided by your mentor and the actions performed by him/her.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. My mentor/ supervisor helps me develop my technical skills.
2. My mentor/ supervisor gives me assignments that present opportunities to learn new knowledge and skills.
3. My mentor/ supervisor gives me assignments and tasks that prepare me for an advanced position.
4. My mentor/ supervisor helps me finish tasks or meet deadlines that would otherwise have been difficult to complete.
5. My mentor/ supervisor increases my contact with people likely to influence my future advancement.
6. My mentor/ supervisor gives me tasks which enhance my skills as a doctor.
7. My mentor/ supervisor positively encourages me in my preparation for career advancement.
8. My mentor/ supervisor tells me about new developments in my field and encourages me to keep up with them.
9. My mentor/ supervisor encourages me to take part in events inside and outside my immediate work (eg. Conferences, seminars etc).
10. My mentor/ supervisor supports me and backs me up when I am in a difficult situation.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. My mentor/ supervisor coaches me on the important details and smart ways of performing my tasks which I have not learnt during my formal education.
12. My mentor/ supervisor gives me recognition and credit when I apply new knowledge and skills to my work.
13. My mentor/ supervisor matches my need for personal and professional development by providing me with opportunities to attend training.
14. My mentor/ supervisor does not encourage me to think independently and innovatively.
15. My mentor/ supervisor openly expresses support for my continuous learning.

During your first few months, you might interact with many coworkers (peers) from all parts of your hospital regarding work matters. The items in this section inquire about the nature of your interaction with peers and the help provided by them.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. My peers provide me with reliable information about ways to improve my job performance.
2. My peers share with me new information that can be used to increase my job performance.
3. My peers constantly suggest to me new approaches to solving problems based on their own experiences.
4. My peers are willing to listen to new ideas I may have.
5. My peers encourage me to use new knowledge and skills on-the-job.

Some hospitals provide orientation and also skills training to new doctors so that they learn some job skills and become familiar with the hospital. We would like to know about your experiences in this respect. The items in this section inquire about the presence or absence of such programs in your hospital.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. In this hospital, all new recruits undergo a substantial amount of orientation which teaches the values and norms of the hospital.
2. I have been given training specifically designed to provide me with job -related skills.
3. There was hardly any training. I had to learn my job mostly on an informal trial-and-error basis.
4. I have been generally left to find out on my own what I should do and how I should behave in this hospital.

While working as a new doctor, you will encounter and be provided with certain types of knowledge pertaining to the hospitals you have worked in and how things work around the workplace. The items in this section inquire about the nature and type of organizational knowledge you have acquired over the past few months.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

The statements below refer to your learning over the past few months. Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below. An example is provided for your reference


The statement is “In the past few months, I have learnt a lot about the history of the hospitals I have worked in.”

If you think you have learnt a vast amount of the required knowledge about these hospitals’ history, then click 5.

If you think you learnt a few things but still have to learn a lot about its history, please click 3.

If you think you have not learnt anything at all or you do not understand anything at all about the history, then click 1.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I now know who are the most influential people in my profession in the hospitals I worked in.
2. I am now very familiar with these hospitals’ long-held traditions.
3. I have learnt a lot about how things “really work” on the inside of these hospitals.
4. I am still not familiar with the customs in these hospitals.
5. I have a good understanding of the motives behind the actions of other people in the hospitals I have worked in.
6. When it comes to getting my work done, I now can identify who the most important people are in these hospitals.
7. In treating patients, I have learnt how to coordinate with the other relevant departments in hospitals I have worked in.
8. I have learnt a lot about resolving coordination problems between my department and other departments in hospitals I have worked in.
9. I have learnt a lot about developing good interpersonal and working relationships with doctors and hospital staff from other departments.
10. I have learnt a lot about the language (slang or jargon specific to your workgroup and organization) of these hospitals, and I am comfortable with it.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. At this point, I am able to give a good description of the history and background of these hospitals and my workgroup.
12. I understand very well these hospitals’ goals and values.

As a new doctor, you learn about the profession and what it means to be a doctor while working for the hospital and through interactions with senior doctors and colleagues. The items in this section inquire about the nature of the professional knowledge you have acquired over the past few months.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

The statements below refer to your learning over the past few months. Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below. An example is provided for your reference.


The statement is “In the past few months, I have learnt a lot about dealing with patients.”

If you think you have learnt a vast amount of the required knowledge or processes, then click 5.

If you think you learnt a few things but still have to learn a lot, please click 3.

If you think you have not learnt anything at all or you do not understand anything at all about patients, then click 1.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I understand very well the code of ethics espoused by my profession.
2. I have become well aware of patient expectations and the need to provide them with professional service.
3. I have learnt a lot on how to put my theory-based medical knowledge into practice when performing my daily work duties..
4. I have learnt a lot on how to act independently and use my professional judgment in making decisions at the workplace.
5. I now understand very well other doctors’ progress notes/instructions.
6. I have learnt a lot on how to exhibit a proper bedside manner when treating and interacting with patients.
7. I have learnt a lot on how to diagnose patient illnesses when faced with complex symptoms.
8. At this point, I do not know the hospital procedure that should be carried out before and after an operation.
9. I now understand very well the documentation that needs to be carried out when treating/testing victims of crime (eg. rape) and accidents (eg. making police reports).
10. I now have a very good understanding of my professional role and identity.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. I now appreciate why it is important for me to convey a confident professional image.
12. As a professional, I now understand the need to have broader, more open-minded views of issues.
13. I have learnt a lot about dealing and interacting with demanding and difficult professional colleagues and superiors.
14. In the past few months I have learnt quite a bit of the professional jargon.
15. I now understand how I should carry myself as a professional.
16. I now understand very well the need to uphold doctor-patient confidentiality.
17. At this point, I do not always understand what this profession’s abbreviations and acronyms mean.
18. I have learnt a lot about how to acquire and use the tools and resources needed to perform my job (eg. records, supplies, documents, medical equipment).
19. I now understand very well how to handle conflicts of interest between myself and patients.
20. I have learnt a lot about proper attire and modes of address.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
21. I have learnt a lot about confidentiality issues and how to handle confidential information.
22. I have learnt a lot about the importance of understanding patients’ medical history and previous illnesses.
23. I was exposed to incidents involving death, and I have learnt to adjust to these incidents as part of my profession.
24. I have learnt to treat medical problems in a neutral, objective, and scientifically justifiable way.
25. I now understand the importance of putting patient welfare ahead of my own personal interests.
26. I have learnt how to overcome the embarrassment of invading a patient’s privacy with potentially embarrassing questions.
27. I have learnt how to overcome the dislike for causing patients pain by performing painful procedures.
28. I have learnt how to take medical history and perform intimate physical examinations.
29. I have learnt how to deal with making life-and-death decisions.
30. I have learnt how to develop a certain amount of detachment, so as not to become emotionally-involved in patients’ problems.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
31. At this point, I do not always know how to manage long-term interpersonal relationships with my patients.
32. I have learnt to accept the hectic pace and long irregular working hours as inevitable.
33. I have learnt to deal with problematic patients (eg. Those who seek unnecessary consultations, make complaints, refuse medical examinations).
34. I have learnt to think on my feet when I encounter difficult situations.
35. I now understand the need to operate within the law and mandatory restrictions placed on my profession.
36. I have learnt how to work together with other hospital staff in my department (eg. Nurses, technicians, ward boys) in achieving our similar goal of providing good patient-care.
37. I now understand the importance of input and advice given to me by hospital staff in my department (eg. Nurses, technicians, ward boys, custodians).
38. I have learnt a lot about dealing with nurses or senior hospital staff who feel resentment towards my authority as a new doctor in a constructive manner.
39. I have learnt a lot about resolving work conflicts that may arise between hospital staff (eg. Between nurses and their fellow nurses).
40. I now understand the importance of maintaining positive working relationships with the hospital staff in my department (eg. Nurses, technicians, ward boys, custodians).

Before starting your internship in the hospital, you would have some prior knowledge about the medical profession. The items in this section inquire about your level of knowledge regarding your profession in general. Please try to recollect your early expectations.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. While at medical school, I have learnt how people work in this profession and how things work in this profession.
2. While at medical school, I have been exposed to senior, active professionals who shared with us insights about the profession's structure and culture.
3. While at medical school, I gained practical knowledge of the profession through internship or attachments.
4. At this point, I believe I have a good idea of the professional demands and conditions.

The items in this section consist of statements concerning your personal attitude and preferences.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I never hesitate to go out of my way to help someone in trouble.
2. I have never intensely disliked anyone.
3. There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others.
4. I would never think of letting someone else be punished for my wrong doings.
5. I sometimes feel resentful when I don’t get my way.
6. There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right.
7. I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable.
8. When I don’t know something I don’t at all mind admitting it.
9. I can remember “playing sick” to get out of something.
10. I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favors of me.

After having worked in this hospital for the past few months, you would have acquired a deeper understanding of your role and position in the hospital. The items in this section inquire about the extent to which you are familiar with your work role and how well you have learnt how things are done in the hospital.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I feel certain about my duties and responsibilities.
2. I know the goals and objectives for my job.
3. I am uncertain how my work relates to the overall objectives of my department.
4. I know the expected results of my work.
5. I feel certain about what aspects of my work will lead to positive evaluations.
6. I know how to divide my time among the tasks required of my job.
7. I do not know how to schedule my work day.
8. I feel certain about how to determine the appropriate procedures for each work task.
9. I feel certain the procedures I use to do my job are correct and proper.

While working in the hospital during these past few months, you would have developed certain interpersonal relationships with your fellow colleagues. The items in this section inquire about the nature of your relationships with the members of your immediate workgroup.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I feel comfortable around my colleagues.
2. My colleagues seem to accept me as one of them.
3. The members of my immediate workgroup are friendly.
4. The members of my immediate workgroup are helpful in getting my job done.
5. The members of my immediate workgroup take a personal interest in me.
6. I trust the members of my immediate workgroup.
7. I look forward to being with the members of my immediate workgroup each day.
8. With my coworkers, I would easily be identified as “one of the gang”.
9. I feel little attachment to my coworkers.

After a few months working in the hospital, you would have learnt about your work tasks in greater detail and how to perform these tasks. The items in this section inquire about how well you have mastered these aspects of your job.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I am confident about the adequacy of my job skills and abilities.
2. I feel competent conducting my job assignments.
3. It seems to take me longer than planned to complete my job assignments.
4. I rarely make mistakes when conducting my job assignments.
5. I am able to work well with others in the workplace in order to get things done.
6. I am able to perform my job in an efficient manner.
7. I have mastered the required tasks of my job.
8. I have not fully developed the appropriate skills and abilities to successfully perform my job.

The items in this section inquire about how satisfied you are in your job as a doctor.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with this job.
2. I frequently think of quitting this job.
3. I am generally satisfied with the kind of work I do in this job.
4. Most people on this job are very satisfied with the job.
5. Most people on this job feel that the work is useless.

The items in this section inquire about your attitude towards remaining in your chosen medical profession.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I have developed strong emotional ties to my profession.
2. I do not view my profession as a life-long career.
3. I am likely to leave my profession and pursue a new unrelated career in the foreseeable future.
4. Regardless of what obstacles I may face, I intend to remain as a doctor.
5. Being a doctor is my life goal and I will remain committed to my profession.
6. I am extremely glad that I chose to become a doctor.
7. I feel a great sense of pride being a doctor.

As a new doctor, you now hold the position of a professional member of society. The items in this section inquire about your feelings towards the profession in general and your attitudes towards being a professional.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. The ability to help others as a doctor is important to me.
2. As a professional, I am mindful of my behavior as I serve as a role model for others.
3. Sometimes I find all the responsibilities of being a professional to be a hassle.
4. Behaving and acting in a professional manner in all that I do is important to me.
5. My professional identity makes up an integral part of who I am.
6. I ensure that I behave in an altruistic manner and am service-oriented when performing my work.
7. The autonomy to make decisions, solve problems, and perform my role as a professional is important to me.
8. When someone criticizes my profession, it feels like a personal insult.
9. I am very interested in what others think about my profession.
10. When I talk about my profession, I usually say “we” rather than “they”.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. My profession’s successes are my successes.
12. If a story in the media criticized my profession, I would feel embarrassed.

Suppose you are employed in one of the hospitals where you did your housemanship/ internship. Based on your experience with the best hospital you served in so far, please respond to the following statements. The items in this section inquire about your feelings and views toward this best hospital you served in and how you would feel if you were employed there.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate number using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I would talk up this hospital to my friends as a great organization.
2. I would be proud to tell others that I am part of this hospital.
3. I would feel very little loyalty to this hospital.
4. I would accept any job assignment to keep working for this hospital.
5. I would be extremely glad that I chose this hospital to work for.
6. For me, this would be the best of all possible hospitals for which to work for.
7. I could just as well be working for a different hospital as long as the type of work was similar.
8. It would take very little incentive to make me leave this hospital.
9. There would not be much to gain by sticking with this hospital indefinitely.
10. Deciding to work for this hospital would be a definite mistake on my part.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. I think I will still be with this hospital a year from now.
12. In the past few weeks, I have been seriously thinking of leaving the hospital.
13. I have been actively looking for other job opportunities elsewhere.
1. Are you currently attached to a “mentor” (eg. senior doctor/ supervisor)? If NO, please proceed to Q4.
2. Was the “mentor” formally assigned to you?
3. Is this “mentor” (senior doctor/ supervisor) your career mentor (ie. A senior doctor/ supervisor who will remain as your mentor and continue advising you even if you leave your current hospital in future)?
4. Do you have any family members or close friends who are doctors?
5. How many full-time and part-time staff are working in your present department (including doctors, nurses, interns etc)?

a. Full-time
b. Part-time
6. In what year was your hospital founded?
7. Your name

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