Survey Templates Surveys Business (Wave 1)

Business (Wave 1)


You will soon be joining an organization upon graduation, or you may already be working there. You may or may not know much about doing the job beyond the academics you have completed, and you will have to learn on the job. We would like to know how you would approach learning and acquiring knowledge while on the job. The items in this section inquire about these issues.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. There are no correct or expected answers as we understand that each person is unique. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. When I have to learn knowledge in unfamiliar areas, I believe I will be able to learn well in those areas.
2. I am confident of learning the job well even if the job is in a completely new area.
3. In general, I am usually a very good learner.
4. I believe that learning new tasks is something I do well.
5. I don't usually encounter many problems picking up new skills.
6. I am confident of learning to deal with difficult problems while on the job.
7. I am certain I can perform new tasks well.
8. I can generally do what is necessary to accomplish my learning goals while on the job.
9. I am quite nervous about learning a new and unfamiliar task.
10. I am not afraid of learning a new task.
As a new business professional, you will have to learn new tasks and knowledge on the job. This section inquires about your style of learning while performing your job. We would like you to try to recollect your effort levels and how you responded to learning new tasks in the past.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. As before, there are no correct or expected answers. Each person responds differently to these situations, and there is no one correct way. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. The opportunity to learn new things is important to me.
2. I try to learn as much as I can when learning a new task or area, even if it is very difficult.
3. When I'm learning a new task / area and I can't understand something I get so frustrated that I stop trying to learn.
4. I prefer to work on tasks / areas that allow me to learn new things.
5. I prefer to work on tasks / areas that allow me to practice my existing skills rather than learn new ones.
6. I am usually motivated to learn the skills emphasized in a new project or course.
7. I am willing to exert considerable effort in learning something new so as to improve my skills.
8. I am willing to invest a lot of time and effort to learn completely new skills while on the job, if that is what it takes to have a job with great pay and prospects.
9. I am willing to invest a lot of time and effort to improve my current skills and competencies just for the sake of learning, regardless of career prospects.
10. I am willing to forego (give up) my personal time, if that is what it takes to learn all the practical / technical skills and be among the best in my peer group.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. I am willing to forego my personal time, if that is what it takes to learn all the job-related social skills and be among the best in my peer group.
12. Generally, I am keen to take up any learning opportunity offered to me, even if it is not directly related to my immediate responsibilities or job.
Before starting your job upon graduation, you would have some prior knowledge about the business profession in general and the organization you will be joining, its people and the work involved. This section inquires about your level of knowledge regarding your new job and the profession. Please try to recollect your early expectations. If you have NOT received a job offer yet, please respond only to items 1 to 4. If you have already been offered a job, please respond to ALL of the following items.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. As before, there are no correct or expected answers. Each person responds differently to these situations, and there is no one correct way. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. While at this business school, I have learnt how people work in this profession and how things work in this profession.
2. While at business school, I have been exposed to senior, active professionals who shared with us insights about the profession's structure and culture.
3. While at this business school, I gained practical knowledge of the profession through internship or attachments.
4. At this point, I believe I have a good idea of the professional demands and conditions.
5. I had a clear understanding of what this job involved before I accepted the organization's offer.

6. I knew what the good points and bad points of this organization were before I accepted the offer.

7. I do not know what to expect when I start to work for this organization.

8. I have a clear idea of what I have to do while on the job.

9. I have good information on who my supervisor(s) (mentors) will be at this organization, before I join.

10. I have good information on what to expect from my supervisor(s) (mentors) and co-workers in general.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. I have a good idea of how I am expected to behave, and the duties and working hours in general.

In the next three sections, we would like to know more about your personal preferences and your views on relations in general. In the present section, we ask about your style of solving problems and your preference for various situations in life.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. As before, there are no correct or expected answers. Each person responds differently to these situations, and there is no one correct way. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I do not like to work on a problem unless there is a good possibility of obtaining a clear-cut answer.
2. A problem has little attraction to me if I do not think it has a solution.
3. I prefer tackling problems that I am familiar with than to jump into radically new problems.
4. Usually, I make a major decision only when I am sure that I have all the information.
5. I would prefer a job with very specific objectives.
6. A job with clear-cut outcomes is better than jobs without identifiable outcomes.
7. In any job that I do, what is to be done and how it is to be done should be clear.
8. I prefer an environment with little stress and very few unexpected events even if the pay is somewhat less.
9. If I am not given clear goals and responsibilities with regard to a job, I get anxious.
10. I like gatherings and parties where I know most of the people rather than parties where most of the people are strangers.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. I would welcome the prospect of working in a remote area of the country for a while.
This section inquires about the nature of your relationship with others at work and in your personal life. We would like to know how you think about your relationships with colleagues at work, friends and acquaintances.

Remember that all your answers are confidential. As before, there are no correct answers. Each person responds differently to these situations, and there is no one correct way. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. My close relationships are an important reflection of who I am.
2. When I feel very close to someone, I feel that that person is an important part of who I am.
3. I usually feel a strong sense of pride when someone close to me has an important accomplishment.
4. I think some of the most important parts of who I am can be captured by looking at my close friends and understanding who they are.
5. When I think of myself, I often think of my close friends or family also.
6. If a person hurts someone close to me, I feel personally hurt as well.
7. In general, my close relationships are an important part of my self-image.
8. Overall, my close relationships have very little to do with how I feel about myself.
9. My close relationships are unimportant to my sense of what kind of person I am.
10. My sense of pride comes from knowing who I have as close friends.
Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
11. When I establish a close friendship with someone, I usually develop a strong sense of identification with that person.
12. I prefer an independent task where I can work on my own without bothering others or being bothered.
13. I prefer to work in a group than alone.
14. Working in a team often stunts my freedom and originality.
This section inquires about your approach to different situations you may face. Remember that all your answers are confidential. As before, there are no correct or expected answers. Each person responds differently to these situations, and there is no one correct way. Please answer frankly.

Please respond to the following statements by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with them. Click the most appropriate response using the scale below.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree
1. I am constantly on the lookout for new ways to improve my life.
2. Wherever I have been, I have been a powerful force for constructive change.
3. Nothing is more exciting than seeing my ideas turn into reality.
4. If I see something I don't like, I fix it.
5. No matter what the odds, if I believe in something I will make it happen.
6. I love being a champion for my ideas, even against others' opposition.
7. I excel at identifying new opportunities.
8. I am always looking for better ways to do things.
9. If I believe in an idea, no obstacle will prevent me from making it happen.
10. I can spot a good opportunity long before others can.
1. Name
2. Specialization
3. Age
4. Gender
5. Nationality
6. Marital status
7. Where would you place yourself in terms of undergraduate performance with respect to your class?
8. Do you have a job offer? If so, could you tell us the name of the organization you are working for? (If you do NOT have a job offer, please proceed to Question 11)
9. Job title
10. Could you describe to us the nature of your job?
11. If you do NOT have a job offer yet, could you describe to us your future plans (Eg. pursue post-graduate studies, work in a different vocation, wait for a job offer etc)?
12. Do you have any family members or close friends who are business professionals?
13. Mailing address (We will be much obliged if you can provide us with a permanent address where you will reliably receive mail. We will use it only in conjunction with this study)
14. Would you be willing to do the future questionnaires on-line? Please indicate your preference.

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