Survey Templates Surveys TWCA AE Assessment of the Job Satisfaction of TWCA

TWCA AE Assessment of the Job Satisfaction of TWCA

TWCA AE Assessment of the Job Satisfaction of TWCA Production Department Employees

I understand the day-to-day goals of the TWCA Production Department.
The amount of work each Producer/Director/Production Assistant is expected to do seems resaonable to me.
It is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants receive enough information to do their job well.
I feel that the Production Department has the tools needed to do their job in a satisfactory manner.
It is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants are allowed to be in control of their work assignments.
TWCA has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued.
TWCA's policies and procedures make sense to me.

The physical working conditions (e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good.
Individual differences are respected at
TWCA (e.g., gender,race, educational background, etc.)
It is my impression that the TWCA Production Department repects each other.
I respect TWCA Production personnel.
It is my impression that the TWCA Production Department is respected by TWCA Sales Management.
I trust TWCA Producer/Director/ Production Assistants to do their job.
Ii is my impression that TWCA Sales Management trusts the TWCA Producer/Director/Production Assistants to do their job.
I understand the time it takes Producer/Director/Production Assitants to do their job.
It is my impression that TWCA Sales Management understands the time it takes TWCA Producer/Director/Production Assistants to do their job
It is my impression that TWCA Producer/Director/Production Assistants are able to work autonomously.
Ii is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants have the freedom to schedule their work day as they see appropriate.
It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants receive fair compensation for their job.
It is my impression that the perks Producer/Director/Production Assistants receive (such as tickets, free cable, free internet service etc.) make a difference to them.
I feel that TWCA offers a very good benefit package (401 K, medical, dental, vision).
It is my overall impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants are compensated and rewarded appropriately for the job that they do.
It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants feel their jobs are secure.
It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants have growth potential at TWCA.
I feel that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants are given enough time to complete their work in a satisfactory manner.
It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants take pride in the work that they do.
I feel that clients are generally pleased with the Production work from TWCA.
I am pleased with the Production Department's work.
It is my impression that Sales Management is pleased with the Production Department's work.
It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants comply with the TWCA policy of wearing a uniform.

I understand the reasoning behind the TWCA Production Department uniform policy for Producer/Director/Production Assistants.

It is my impression that the Producer/Director/Production Assistants don't mind wearing a uniform.

I feel that wearing a uniform negatively effects the job performance of the Producer/Director/Production Assistants.

Wearing a uniform lowers the morale of the Production Department.
It is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants are allowed to voice their opinions to TWCA management.
It is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants are pleased with the hours they work.
It is my impression that Producer/Director/Production Assistants are overworked.
I am pleased with the goals and direction of the TWCA Production Department.
Overall, I feel that the work environment of the TWCA Production Department is positive.
Please identify the greatest aspect of the job which you believe causes Producer/Director/Production Assistants to be dissatisfied.
Please identify the greatest aspect of the job which you believes brings Producer/Director/Production Assistants satisfaction.

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