Survey Templates Surveys Short Survey on Human Behaviour During Fire

Short Survey on Human Behaviour During Fire

High-rise Fire Survey

Name the City and Country you are you working in?
Occupation (Job Title)
On which floor are you working at?
How many people are there working in the same office?
How many exits are there? (include fire exits)
In your office, do you have easy access to windows?
Do you have concerns about fire safety within the office?
Do you know the fire escape route?
If there's a fire incident in the office, will you ...
If there is a fire incident at your home instead, will you ...
Have you ever been involved in a fire incident?
Do you know how to operate a fire extinguisher?
In high-rise fire situations, when all exits are blocked, or people become trapped, they try escaping (jump) through windows. If you are in a similar situation (trapped), what will you do? I will...
In a fire emergency, not knowing if any path is blocked, which will be your most preferred route of escape? (1 - most preferred, 4 - least preferred)
Through the main doorway, corridors and elevator.
Through the main doorway, corridors but not the elevator.
Only by the fire exits and stairways.
Alternative route such as jumping through the window.
You find yourself trapped in a critical fire situation but you have access to a window that can be be opened (or breakable). Will you jump to safety with a parachute?
For the 2nd stage of my project, I'll be designing a product to assist escape/survival in a high-rise fire. Kindly choose 3 areas that you would encourage me to explore/investigate into. (Please check 3 boxes)
If I may have your contact/email address to assist my further investigation into this potentially life-saving research? (Kindly enter your contact/email below. Including your name is optional.)

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