Survey Templates Surveys CARR New Literacies Survey

CARR New Literacies Survey

CARR New Literacies Survey

1. Rate your PROFICIENCY to use a search engine, such as Google, to efficiently find information.
2. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to use a search engine, such as Google, to efficiently find information.
3. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to critically evaluate the source and the accuracy of information on the Internet.
4. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to critically evaluate the source and the accuracy of information on the Internet.
5. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to strategically pursue links while reading information on the Internet.
6. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to strategically pursue links while reading information on the Internet.
7. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to use BOTH text and visual information on the Internet to construct meaning.
8. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to use BOTH text and visual information on the Internet to construct meaning.
9. Rate your PROFICIENCY to paraphrase and cite resources from the Internet.
10.. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to paraphrase and cite resources from the Internet.
11. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to synthesize multiple sources of information from the Internet in order to complete a research project.
12. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to synthesize multiple sources of information from the Internet in order to complete a research project.
13. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to produce electronic infomration that makes use of visuals such as graphs and charts, to clarify and extend ideas presented.
14. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to produce electronic information that makes use of visuals, such as graphs and charts, to clarify and extend ideas presented.
15. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to publish writing products (poems, stories, projects) on the Internet.
16. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to publish writing products (poems, stories, projects) on the Internet.
17. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to communicate via email with others (i.e. authors, experts, peers)that can support learning.
18. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to communicate via email with others (i.e. authors, experts,peers)that can support learning.
19. Rate YOUR PROFICIENCY to use the Internet responsibly (safety issues, copyright laws etc.).
20. Rate your PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to use the Internet responsibly (safety issues, copyright laws etc,)
21. Rate YOUR overall PROFICIENCY to read and write in an informational age.
22. Rate your overall PROFICIENCY in TEACHING students to read and write in an informational age.
1. Teaching reading and writing in an informational age should be one of the responsibilities of the instructional technology teacher.
2.Teaching reading and writing in an informational age should be one of the responsibilities of the English Language Arts Teacher.
3. Teaching reading and writing in an informational age should be one of the responsibilities of the elementary school classroom teacher.
4. Teaching reading and writing in an informational age should be one of the responsibilities of the content area teacher.
5.Teaching reading and writing in an informational age should be one of my responsibilities.
6. Students will learn how to read and write in an informational age without explicit instruction (direct or indirect instruction).
7.Teaching students to read and write in an informational age should become an educational priority for my school (if it is not already so).
8. Students require explicit instruction (either direct or indirect) in learning how to read and write in an informational age.
1. Has your current school or district provided you with any professional development in relation to helping students to learn to read and write in an informational age as related to your content/subject area?
2. if you answered YES in the previous question, then please make comments on the type of professional development offered, your participation and any other pertinent information.
3. Rate the overall quality of your inservice professional development in relation to helping students to learn to read and write in an informational age related to your content/subject area.
4. How might your inservice professional development have better prepared you to teach students to integrate literacy and technology into your content/subject?
5. List a few topics for professional development that you might consider important in helping you integrate literacy and technology into your curriculum.
1. How many computers do you have in your classroom?
2. If you have computers in your classroom, how many are connected to the Internet? (if you do not have any computers write NA)
3. I have access to a computer lab WITH Internet in my school.
4. What factors impact your teaching of reading and writing in an informatiional age at your school (as related to your content/subject area)?
5. Explain supports that are in place to help you teach your students to read and write in an informational age (related to your content area).
6. Please comment on any factors that are unique to your school or district as they might relate to teaching reading and writing in an informational age and may be of interest to the researchers.
7. Do you agree with the following statement, assuming that access to technology is not a problem: "Teachers would have more of an incentive to learn and teach new literacies (reading and writing on the Internet) if students were assessed on their new literacies skills on the state exam."
Please explain your answer.
1. What is your gender?
2. Please check one (or more, if necessary) that most closely describes your current position and/or job title.
3. Which CT certification(s) do you hold?
4. How long have you been in your CURRENT position? (including current year)
5. How long have you been teaching? (including current school year)
I have a Bachelors Degree in
I have a Bachelors Degree with graduate work in
I have a Masters Degree in
I have a Masters Degree with graduate work in
I have a Sixth Year Certificate in
I have a Doctorate in
7. What is your educational background in teaching literacy? Check all that apply.
8. Indicate which technology skills and or new literacies (reading and writing on the Internet) (if any) your LITERACY courses have prepared you to use in your classroom. If you have not taken any literacy course please write N/A.
9. What is your educational background in teaching technology?
10. Indicate which technology skiills and or new literacies (reading and writing on the Internet) (if any) your TECHNOLOGY courses have prepared you to use in your classroom. If you have not taken any technology course please write N/A.
11. What is your educational background in teaching students to be able to read and write in an information age as related to your curriculum? Check where applicable.
12. Indicate which technology skills and new literacies (reading and writiing on the Internet) (if any) your subject area courses have prepared you to use in your classroom,

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