Survey Templates Surveys Religious Leader's Opinion Survey

Religious Leader's Opinion Survey


Please enter the name of your church
What denomination is your church a part of?
In what year were you ordained?
Where did you recieve your theological training?
How many members are in your church?
Is your congregation predominately:
How many ministry staff does your church have?
How many support staff?
What is the church's primary role in helping the poor?
Does your church have a regular program to help members discover and use their gifts?
What does your church currently do to help the poor?
What's the smallest income a family of four needs to get along in your community?
What percentage of families in your congregation makes less than what is needed to get along in your community?
Which of the following best characterizes your millennial/end time view?
What percentage of your annual budget is set aside to assist the poor?
What percentage of the congregation likely tithes?
Do you understand the tithe for the poor described in Deuteronomy 14: 28-29 to be:
Are you satisfied with the care being given the poor in Texas?
Who is primarily responsible for care of the poor?
What is the primary role(s) of individuals and families in helping the poor?
What is the church’s primary role(s) in helping the poor?
What is the government’s primary role(s) in helping the poor?
What is the church’s primary role(s) in addressing issues of justice?
Do you think the church should be involved in politics and social justice?
Did you receive any instruction on Christian charity or methods of assisting the poor in your pastoral training?
In general, how helpful do you feel the training you received was in preparing you for what you are doing now?
Are more resources needed to help train church members in how they can become more involved in helping the poor?
What type materials would be most helpful? (check all that apply)
What type of activities do you feel would most interest church members?
If and when more federal money is available, which one of the following areas do you think should be given first consideration when these funds are distributed, and which one of these areas do you think should be given second and third consideration?
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
Health care
Public education
Law enforcement
Food assistance
Housing assistance
Clean air and water
Military defense
Foreign aid
Would you agree or disagree with the following opinions:
Protection of clean air and water is needed, even if it raises prices
Government should do more to solve unemployment and poverty
We need policies which enable all to have adequate health care
Blacks need public help to achieve an equal place in America
Federal budget surpluses should be used to retire the national debt
All income should be taxed at the same flat rate
School vouchers should be made available to all families
Federal laws should restrict usury and predatory lending practices
The minimum wage should be indexed to inflation
Public policy should prevent discrimination and help minorities compete for better jobs and higher education by improving schools, housing and job training (but not by imposing racial preferences in hiring, promotion, or college admissions)
Does your denomination need to be more or less involved with social and political issues?

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