Survey Templates Surveys Skills Development Survey

Skills Development Survey

Sample Survey


As a representative of your company, you are asked to complete a survey that asks questions about any skills training you may or may not have undertaken and why. This questionnaire forms part of my economic honours dissertation, which will evaluate the effectiveness of the Skills Development Act. This questionnaire is intended for all companies regardless of your workforce size, and regardless of whether you have implemented SETA accredited training or not. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Although there are absolutely no risks associated with this project, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. Your response is greatly valued and appreciated.

Your survey responses will be strictly anonymous and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Paul Schoeman at 083 683 2794 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Which SETA is your company a member of?
Number of Employees in 2004:
Approximate Annual Turnover in 2004:
Approximate Annual Payroll in 2004:
Approximate Annual Training Expenditure in 2004:
Rank the following occupational groups in terms of the proportion that they represent of your total workforce, where 1 = highest proportion and 9 = lowest proportion. Leave blank if an occupational group is irrelevant to your company.

Service and Sales Workers:
Agricultural and Fishery Workers:
Craft and Skilled Trade Workers:
Plant and Machine Operators:
Elementary Workers/Labourers:
The following aims to identify skills constraints in your company. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements regarding your company workforce. Leave blank if a skill is irrelevant to your company.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
General IT user skills are underdeveloped:
Communication skills are underdeveloped:
Customer-handling skills are underdeveloped:
Team-working skills are underdeveloped:
Problem-solving skills are underdeveloped:
Management skills are underdeveloped:
Numeracy skills are underdeveloped:
Literacy skills are underdeveloped:
Technical and practical skills are underdeveloped:
The following aims to identify occupational skills constraints in your company. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements regarding your company workforce. Leave blank if an occupational group is irrelevant to your company.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Managers' skills need upgrading:
Professionals' skills need upgrading:
Technicians' skills need upgrading:
Administrators/Secretaries' skills need upgrading:
Service and Sales Workers' skills need upgrading:
Agricultural and Fishery Workers' skills need upgrading:
Craft and Skilled Trade Workers' skills need upgrading:
Plant and Machine Operators' skills need upgrading:
Elementary Workers/Labourers' skills need upgrading:
Does your company at present claim back from your SETA for accredited training?
When did your company start SETA accredited training? (MM/YYYY):
What proportion (%) of your employees participated in training in the year prior to your company implementing SETA accredited training?
What proportion (%) of your employees will have participated in training in the year 2005?
How many unemployed learners will your company have enrolled in training in the year 2005?
Of the unemployed learners that underwent SETA accredited training, how many have been offered permanent positions in your company in the last 12 months?
Please estimate the number of employees that in 2005 your company will have enrolled in Learnerships:
Please estimate the number of employees that in 2005 your company will have enrolled in Skills Programmes:
What proportion (%) of both these do you estimate will be successfully completed?
Please estimate the number of unemployed persons that in 2005 your company will have enrolled in Learnerships:
Please estimate the number of unemployed persons that in 2005 your company will have enrolled in Skills Programmes:
What proportion of both these do you estimate will be successfully completed?
Please estimate what percentage of the following occupational groups participated in training in the year before your implementation of SETA accredited training? For example, what proportion of managers participated in training in that year?

Service and Sales Workers:
Agricultural and Fishery Workers:
Craft and Skilled Trade Workers:
Plant and Machine Operators:
Elementary Workers/Labourers:
Please estimate what percentage of the following occupational groups in your company will have participated in training in 2005. For example, what proportion of managers will have participated in training in 2005?
Service and Sales Workers:
Agricultural and Fishery Workers:
Craft and Skilled Trade Workers:
Plant and Machine Operaors:
Elementary Workers/Labourers:
To what extent did your employees participate in the following types of training before your implementation of SETA accredited training?

Not at all
To a large extent
Registered apprenticeships:
In-house courses:
Courses presented by an external agency:
To what extent will your employees and unemployed persons have participated in the following types of training in the year 2005?

Not at all
To a large extent
Skills programmes:
On-the-job training:
In-house courses:
Courses presented by an external agency:
Has the SETA accredited training undertaken thus far by your company closely reflected the plan submitted in your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)?
If you answered 'No' please explain why:
The following aims to ascertain the effect of SETA accredited training on your company. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements regarding your company:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Productivity has improved due to skills training:
Cost-efficiency has improved due to skills training:
Employee morale has improved due to skills training:
Sales have improved due to skills training:
Please elaborate on your answers to Question 15. (Why did you agree or strongly disagree, etc).
The following aims to ascertain the relevance and usefulness of the unit standards on which your employees are being trained. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements regarding your company:

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Fundamental unit standards are relevant and useful:
Core unit standards are relevant and useful:
Elective unit standards are relevant and useful:
Please elaborate on your answers to Question 17. (Why did you agree or strongly disagree, etc).
What percentage of the claimable 80% skills levy does your company receive for training efforts?
Please estimate what percentage of your total training expenditure this claim represents?
If you receive any other incentives to train (e.g. tax deductions, cash grants) please list:
Do you feel that all claims and incentives your company is receiving are optimally established in order to induce the maximum amount of skills training from your company? Please motivate your answer.
The following aims to ascertain why your company does not claim grants against skills levy payments. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements regarding why your company has not begun SETA accredited training:

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Our Workplace Skills Plan is not yet approved:
The application is too complicated:
We do not have time:
We do not have enough knowledge about the subject:
The cost of training is too high:
Too much administration is required:
We fear productivity losses while employees are away being trained:
We anticipate the loss of trained employees to competitors:
Which of the following types of training (if any) does your company perform?
Is your company planning to implement a SETA accredited training programme in the next year?
Skills Programmes:
The following aims to ascertain what additional measures may motivate your company to implement a SETA accredited training scheme. Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements:

Our company would implement a SETA accredited training scheme if there was...

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Increased financial recompensation:
Decreased administrative red-tape:
Improved awareness of training process and benefits:
An increase of the 1% payroll tax:

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