Survey Templates Surveys Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

What gender are you?
How old are you?
At what University/College did you receive a bachelor's degree?
Does this institution have an accredited athletic training program?
What type of bachelor's degree did you receive at this institution?
At which university/college are you completing your Master's degree or where did you receive your Master's degree?
What Master's program are you in or what Master's program did you receive your degree in?
Does this institution have an accredited athletic training program?
Where did you receive previous experience working as an athletic trainer?
Where is your athletic training room located?
How do you feel about the location of your athletic training room?
What department funds the sport club athletic training room? (operation money and money for athletic trainer position)
What is the funding source for the entire sport club athletic training program?
How much money are you allocated to purchase supplies and equipment for your athletic training room?
On a scale from 1-7, do you feel the amount of money allocated to the sport club athletic training program is
How do you feel about the amount of money allocated to the sport club athletic training program to purchase supplies and equipment?
How much money is your stipend or salary as a sport club athletic trainer?
On a scale from 1-7, do you feel this amount is
How do you feel about the amount of pay you receive for your job as a sport club athletic trainer?
What fringe benefits do you receive working as a sport club athletic trainer?
On a scale from 1-7, do you feel as though the fringe benefits you receive are
How do you feel about the entire fringe benefits package you receive?
What type of therapeutic modalities do you have in your athletic training room?
On a scale from 1-7, the quantity of therapeutic modalities you have is
How do you feel towards the therapeutic modalities you have in your athletic training room?
What type of rehabilitation equipment do you have?
On a scale from 1-7, the quantity of rehabilitation equipment you have is
How do you feel towards the rehabilitation equipment you have in your athletic training room?

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