Survey Templates Surveys IM Survey

IM Survey

IM Survey

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey.
You will be asked a number of questions about yourself and your Instant Messaging experiences. The information gathered from your participation will help with understanding communication patterns in Instant Messaging.
This survey consists of 20 questions and will take you about 5 minutes to complete.
This research is not externally funded and it is governed by UCL ethics procedures. The data collected is confidential and you will not be personally identified in any analysis or reports. You are free to withdraw from participation at any time.

Contact Jorge De Castro at [email protected] if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.
1.Approximately how long have you been using an Instant Messaging client?
2.How often do you sign in?
3.On average, how long do you stay connected?
4.In a typical Instant Messenger (IM) session, how many different people do you have conversations with?
5.Of the different people you have conversations with over IM, how many speak your mother tongue as their second language?
6.Just by reading an Instant Message, can you tell if the sender is a native speaker of your mother tongue?
7.If possible, would you prefer to read all your Instant Messages in your mother tongue?
8.If possible, would you prefer to write all your Instant Messages in your mother tongue?
9.Approximately how many abbreviations, acronyms, emoticons, and alternate spellings do you use per message sent?
10.If a new Instant Messaging client made it easier for you to interact with people who do not share your mother tongue, how likely is it that you would use it?
11.What issues, if any, have you encountered when interacting over Instant Messaging with people who use your mother tongue as their second language?
12.Suggestions or comments, if any, on how to change current Instant Messaging to improve your communication with people who use your mother tongue as their second language?
13.How old are you?
14.What is your gender?
15.What is your country of birth?
16.What is your mother tongue?
17.What is your second language, if any?
18.What is the highest level of education you have completed?
19.What is your current marital status?
20.Enter your email address below if you wish to be offered a report with the findings from this study

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