Survey Templates Surveys Untitled



Do you live in a
Do you live in a
How often do you do conduct Home Improvement tasks?
How do you usually conduct Home Improvement tasks?
If you have carried out a large home improvement task (e.g. including activities such as covering floors and walls, affordable fittings, some plastering, coving and skirting), how long did it take you?
Please indicate your agreement from 1 to 7 with each of the following statements related to potential barriers that prevent you from carrying out home improvement tasks more often.
(1=Strongly Disagree and 7=Strongly Agree)

I don’t have the money
I don’t have the time
I don’t have DIY skills
I don’t have Interior design skills
There is no need to do it.

Assuming that you own a two-bedroom flat that needs a home improvement / decorating job: laminated floors, painted walls, affordable fittings, some plastering, coving and skirting. We are going to present you with NINE options that vary on the following four characteristics:

1) Price (per square metre): ₤50, ₤100, ₤150
(e.g. A typical living room of 20 sq meter (215 sq feet) will cost ₤ 1000, ₤ 2000, and ₤ 3000, respectively. For comparison, to do it yourself (DIY) it will cost you ₤900 JUST for materials)

2) Job Duration: 5 days, 15 days

3) Type of Service: Unbranded Service, Branded Service.

Note: Imagine a BRAND which will be to home improvement and decoration what IKEA is to Home furnishing. Such a brand would be associated with consistency, quality, style and reliability.

4) Time/Effort required from you:
* Intensive: Requires time and effort to plan, source, buy materials and you have to carry out the job by yourself.
* Moderate: Requires time and effort to manage, coordinate and supervise contractors.
* None: It almost does not require any time and effort from you.

Treating each Home Improvement option separately, please rate on a 1 – 10 scale, how likely you would be to purchase that particular offer.
(1 = definitely would not buy, 10 = definitely would buy)


Please read the following brief description of the new service we want to offer for Home Improvement and Decoration.

“HOME DOCTORS” is an Interior Design service that offers:
- A "one-stop shop" solution: Designs, materials, labour and supervision altogether.

- A comprehensive range of professional designed interior styles "templates" to choose from (between 10 to 12), each with several options, for all rooms except bathrooms and kitchens.

- A finished job delivery time of one week or less.
- A one-year warranty on defects in materials not caused through damage or wear & tear.

“HOME DOCTORS” benefits consumers because it takes away all the hassle of designing, and all the time to source/buy materials and to do the actual work from DIY, and the time to manage and supervise the work from self-sourced contractors. Yet, it still remains more affordable than hiring designers, but with the same Quality.
Based on the description, how interested would you be in contracting this new service?
If you don’t own a flat, please imagine that you do. Which of the following best describes your need for the “HOME DOCTORS” offer?
Which of the following features/attributes of “HOME DOCTORS” are the most valuable to you?
Which of the following features/attributes do you find least appealing about this service?
Which of the following would most influence you when deciding to contract a home Improvement service?
An Interior Design service and decorating service like “HOME DOCTORS” would encourage me to pursue home improvement more often.

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