Survey Templates Surveys dissertation instrument

dissertation instrument

Sample Survey

A National Study of Affective, Continuance, and Normative

Organizational Commitment among Student Affairs Professionals

This research is being conducted by Joseph Boehman ([email protected]), graduate student in Higher Education Administration at North Carolina State University, supervised by Dr. Duane Akroyd ([email protected]), North Carolina State University.

Dear Student Affairs Professional,

Thank you for your time and effort in helping me complete this study. You are participating in a study which will provide greater insight as to how individuals become committed to this profession, and why they stay committed. Your input is important to this study because I am attempting to make inferences about student affairs as a profession, and you have been selected as part of a national sample. The total survey time is approximately 15 minutes.

I will be happy to send you an executive summary of the survey results, if you wish to receive them. After completing the survey, information on how to obtain this summary will be provided. Thank you for your time and attention.

Please hit the continue button to move to the first set of questions.

Listed below are statements that represent possible opinions that YOU may have about working in your student affairs organization. Please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the response that best represents your point of view about your student affairs organization.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
slightly diasgree
neither agree nor disagree
slightly agree
moderately agree
strongly agree
The organization values my contribution to its well-being.
The organization fails to appreciate any extra effort from me.
The organization would ignore any complaint from me.
The organization really cares about my well-being.
Even if I did the best job possible, the organization would fail to notice.
The organization cares about my general satisfaction at work.
The organization shows very little concern for me.
The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work.
Think of your job in general. All in all, what is it like most of the time? For each of the following words or phrases, select:
Better than most
Makes me content
Listed below are statements that represent possible opinions that YOU may have about working in your student affairs organization. Please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the response that best represents your point of view about your student affairs organization.
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
neither agree nor disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree
People in this organization attempt to build themselves up by tearing others down.
There has always been an influential group in this organization that no one ever crosses.
Employees are encouraged to speak out frankly even when they are critical of well-established ideas.
There is no place for yes-men and yes-women in this organization; good ideas are desired even if it means disagreeing with superiors.
Agreeing with powerful others is the best alternative in this organization.
It is best not to rock the boat in this organization.
Sometimes it is easier to remain quiet than to fight the system.
Telling others what they want to hear is sometimes better than telling the truth.
Listed below are statements that represent possible opinions that YOU may have about working in your student affairs organization. Please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the response that best represents your point of view about your student affairs organization.
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
neither agree nor disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree
It is safer to think what you are told than to make up your own mind.
Since I have worked for this organization, I have never seen the pay and promotion policies applied politically.
I can’t remember when a person received a pay increase or promotion that was inconsistent with the published policies.
None of the raises I have received are consistent with the policies on how raises should be determined.
The stated pay and promotion policies have nothing to do with how pay and promotions are determined.
When it comes to pay raise and promotion decisions, policies are irrelevant.
Promotions around here are not valued much because how they are determined are so political.
The following questions relate to your opinions on how you perceive the characteristics of your organization. Looking at your student affairs organization, how would you say it can be rated on the following continuum?

Goals are well defined for the total unit
Goals are not very well defined for the total unit

Lines of authority are precisely drawn
Lines of authority are not precisely drawn

Communication on job related matters are predominantly vertical, up and down the organization
Communication on job related matters are going in all directions

Most tasks performed at the lower levels of the total unit are well defined
Most tasks at the lower levels of the total unit are not well defined
The following questions relate to your opinions on how you perceive the characteristics of your organization. Looking at your student affairs organization, how would you say it can be rated on the following continuum?

Routine solutions exist to perform many tasks
New solutions must be continuously found for each job

It is relatively easy to predict in advance how each job is to be performed
It is difficult to predict in advance how each job is to be performed

People tend not to trust each other
People trust each other a lot

People compete a lot on the job
Competition on the job is not very high
Listed below is a series of statements that represent feelings that individuals might have about the company or organization for which they work. With respect to your own feelings about the student affairs organization for which you are now working, please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the appropriate response.
strongly disagree
slightly disgree
slightly agree
strongly agree
I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization.
I really feel as if this organization's problems are my own.
I do not feel a strong sense of "belonging" to my organization.
I do not feel "emotionally attached" to this organization.
I do not feel like "part of the family" at my organization.
This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me.
Right now, staying with my organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.
It would be very hard for me to leave my organization right now, even if I wanted to.
Too much of my life would be disrupted if I decided I wanted to leave my organization now.
Listed below is a series of statements that represent feelings that individuals might have about the company or organization for which they work. With respect to your own feelings about the student affairs organization for which you are now working, please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the appropriate response.
strongly disagree
slightly disgree
slightly agree
strongly agree
I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this organization.
If I had not already put so much of myself into this organization, I might consider working elsewhere.
One of the few negative consequences of leaving this organization would be the scarcity of available alternatives.
I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer.
Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my organization now.
I would feel guilty if I left my organization now.
This organization deserves my loyalty.
I would not leave my organization right now because I have a sense of obligation to the people in it.
I owe a great deal to my organization.

strongly disagree
slightly disagree
neither agree nor disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree
I intend to be a student affairs professional 2 years from now
I intend to be a student affairs professional 5 years from now
I feel like checking employment ads
I think about other types of work
I think about changing jobs
What year were you born?
What is your gender?
Using the US Census categories, what is your racial or ethnic identification? (Fill in all that apply)
What is your marital stauts?
How many children under the age of 18 live in your household?
What is your functional area?

(please check response that most closely matches your functional area)
What is your position level?

(please choose the response that most closely matches your title)
How many years have you worked as a full-time student affairs professional?
Highest education level completed
Please select your current salary range
Do you supervise at least one full-time professional staff member (not including administraive or support staff)?
Number of full-time professional staff you supervise (not including administrative or support staff):
Which statement best describes your institution?
State of employment

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