Survey Templates Surveys Water Sector Restructuring in Ontario: Expert Ques

Water Sector Restructuring in Ontario: Expert Ques

Sample Survey

Purpose: The following questionnaire is part of a research project on water governance and conservation in Canada funded by the University of British Columbia. The results of the survey will be published in academic journals and as a policy report. If you would like to receive copies of these, please indicate that in the comments box at the end of the questionnaire.

Instructions: Please return this questionnaire by email if you have not already replied by mail. Please answer all questions, skipping Part 4 if you are not an employee of a municipal water supply provider. If you do not feel that you are the appropriate person to respond to this questionnaire, please direct it to the attention of the most appropriate person in your organization.

Confidentiality: The survey is anonymous. The information given in the survey will not be associated with a specific office or unit in a form that would make their individual identities deducible by the well-informed reader. Please see the enclosed consent form for further details.

Definition: New Public Management (NPM) refers to the introduction of the methods of private sector management into the public sector. Examples include: explicit performance standards, results based management, knowing the customer and market like structures and incentives (e.g. competition).

1a. Are you employed with …
Which Municipality?
Which Ministry and Department?
Which Conservation Authority?
Which NGO?
If "other", please specify
a. In what capacity are you employed with this organization (primary responsibilities)?
b. How many years you been employed in this capacity?
c. How many years have you been employed in the water sector in Ontario (including with other organizations)?
3. What activities does your organization undertake? Please tick all that apply.
4. In your opinion, what are the most important water supply management issues for your organization? Please rank, with 1 indicating greatest importance.

Source Protection
Economic Sustainability
Water Conservation
Pursuing the incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Avoiding the incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Equitable Access to Water Services
Public Safety
Public Participation
Other, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q4 above
5. In your opinion, what are the primary challenges faced by the water sector at present? Please rank as above.

Cost Recovery
Resource Stress
Infrastructural Investment Needs
Too Much Incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Too Little Incorporation of New Public Management Methods
High Water Use
Public Safety
Consumer Access to Water Services
Other, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q5 above.
Please specify whether you were refering to Ontario generally or your municipality in your response to Q5 above.
6. How important are improving the following for your organization?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Very Unimportant
Environmental Sustainability
Full Cost Recovery
Private Sector Participation
Government Regulation of Water Supply
Equitable Access
Other, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" in your response to Q6 above.
7 a) What elements would your organization promote for the improvement of efficiency in your municipality or Ontario generally?
Not at All
Cost Reduction
Water Loss Reduction
Full Cost Recovery
Water Conservation
Improving Customer Service
Infrastructure Life Extension
Improving the Quality of Tap-Water
Source Protection
Other, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q7a above.
Please specify whether you were refering to Ontario generally or your municipality in your response to Q7a above.
7 b) Has your organization’s approach to efficiency changed recently? If so, how? Why?
8 a) How much do the following statements reflect your organization’s view of water pricing?
Very Much
Not at All
Everyone Pays According to their Consumption
Ability to Pay Should Be Reflected in User Fees
It is Better to Subsidize Industry than Households
Unit Prices Should Increase with Greater Use
Prices Should Reflect Economies of Scale
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q8a above.
8 b) How should the above views be reflected in actual pricing mechanisms? Has this changed in recent years? If so, how? Why?
9 a) How much could the following help to increase environmental sustainability in Ontario's water sector?
Very Much
Not at All
Public Education Programs
Municipal Ordinances (e.g. use restrictions)
Water Saving Devices and Retrofits
Infrastructural Improvements
Water Reuse Technologies
Direct Accountability for Sustainability
Increased Transparency in Decision-Making
Governmental Regulation
Increased Incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Conservation Inducing Pricing
Very Much
Not at All
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q9a above.
9 b) Have concepts of/ approaches to environmental sustainability changed in recent years? If so, how? Why?
10. Do you feel that each level of government should be solely responsible for financing the services it provides?
Very Much So
Definitely Not
11. Should municipalities have greater legislative authority vis-à-vis the provincial government than they do at present?
Much More
Same Amount
Much Less
12. In your opinion, how has the unbundling of electricity from water supply impacted water supply in Ontario? After answering the question, please indicate if you are referring to your municipality or Ontario generally in the next window.
Very Positively
No Effect
Very Negatively
Please specify whether you were refering to Ontario generally or your municipality in your response to Q12 above.
13. What is your opinion of the decline of the PUC as a governance model for water utilities in Ontario?
Very Positively
No Effect
Very Negatively
14 a) Do you agree with the current distribution of responsibilities for water servicing in Ontario?
Very Much So
Definitely Not
14 b) If you disagree, how could the distribution of responsibilities be improved?
15. To what degree do you feel you could influence the following organizations/groups on management/policy decisions/orientations?
Very Much
Not at All
Municipal Water Utilities
The Public
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q15 above.
16. What business model was used to operate water services in your municipality prior to the reorganization of municipal-provincial relations in Ontario in the 1990s?
What business model is used currently?
17. What type of business model did your organization advocate for water services prior to the reorganization of municipal-provincial relations in Ontario in the 1990s?
What type of business model does your organization advocate now?
18 a) How has the reorientation of business models affected the prioritisation of the following governance issues by water supply managers in Ontario?
Much More Important
Just as Important
Much Less Important
Environmental Sustainability
Public Participation
Full Cost Recovery
Pursuing the Incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q18 above.
18 b) Have the above priorities changed recently? If so, how? Why?
19. What do you see as the implications of the restructuring of the water supply industry for the following aspects of water supply management?
Much Increased
Remained the Same
Much Decreased
Resource Conservation
Decision-Making Flexibility
Equitable Water Access
Public Participation
Financial Sustainability
Infrastructural Maintenance and Improvements
Ability to Implement New Programs
Focus on Demand Management
Full Cost Recovery
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q19 above.
Please specify whether you were refering to Ontario generally or your municipality in your response to Q19 above.
20. To what degree are the following drivers for or inhibitors to the uptake of conservation in the water sector?
Strong Drivers
No Impact
Strong Inhibitors
Public Concern
Governmental Pressure
Changes to the Degree of Transparency*
New Forms of Accountability**
Infrastructural Costs
Cost Recovery Concerns
Environmental sustainability concerns
Increasing incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Others, please specify in next window
*Please specify whether, in your opinion, the level of transparency refered to above is increasing or decreasing.
**Please specify whether, in your opinion, the new forms of accountability refered to above are more direct or less direct from the point of view of the consumer.
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q20 above.
Please specify whether you were refering to Ontario generally or your municipality in your response to Q20 above.
Are you employed by a municipal water provider?
21. How important are the following goals for implementing demand management in your area?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Very Unimportant
Long-term Cost Savings
Short-term Cost Savings
Improving Infrastructural Life-Span
Water Source Protection
Water Conservation
Increased Affordability of Water Services
Increased incorporation of New Public Management Methods
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q21 above.
22 a)To what degree have the following demand management approaches been adopted in your municipality?
Very Much
Not at All
Municipal Ordinances
O & M Measures to Reduce Water Loss
O & M Measures to Reduce Consumption
Plumbing Retrofits
Public Participation Programs
Public Education Programs
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q21 above.
22b) In accordance with your municipality’s goals for demand management, to what degree do you think these demand management approaches should be adopted in your municipality?
Very Much
Not at All
Municipal Ordinances
O & M Measures to Reduce Water Loss
O & M Measures to Reduce Consumption
Plumbing Retrofits
Public Participation Programs
Public Education Programs
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q22b above.
22 c) Please explain any differences between your responses to parts a and b.
23. How easy or difficult are the following types of demand management to implement?
Very Easy
Very Difficult
Municipal Ordinances
O & M Measures to Reduce Water Loss
O & M Measures to Reduce Consumption
Plumbing Retrofits
Public Participation Programs
Public Education Programs
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q23 above.
24. What could be changed to enhance the performance of demand management?
25. What could be changed to increase the implementation of demand management technologies by your organization?
26. Do you charge user fees for water in your area?
26 a) How do you establish water charges (Metering, flat rate, percentage of property value etc)?
26 b) If you have metering, what is the rate structure (constant unit charge, increasing block etc) and price per unit of water?
26 c) What do you think is the best method of charging user fees? If different from the above, why has it not been implemented?
27 a) How important are the following for achieving the financial sustainability of water services in your municipality?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Very Unimportant
Provincial Transfers
Provincial Grants
Property Tax
Residential/Commercial Revenues
Industrial Revenues
Measures to Reduce Demand
Increasing the Customer Base
Developing New Markets for Water Services
Others, please specify in next window
If applicable, please specify "other" from Q27a above.
27 b) Has this changed in recent years? If so, how? Why?
28. Do you have any comments that you would like to add? (references to relevant reports/publications would be appreciated) Would you like to receive copies of reports and publications developed from this study?

Would you like to receive copies of reports and publications developed from this study? If yes, please provide an email address.
22 a)To what degree have the following demand management approaches been adopted in your municipality?
Very Much
Not at All
Municipal Ordinances
O & M Measures to Reduce Water Loss
O & M Measures to Reduce Consumption
Plumbing Retrofits
Public Participation Programs
Public Education Programs
Others, please specify in next window

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