Survey Templates Surveys Usefulness of Instr feedback

Usefulness of Instr feedback



You are invited to participate in this survey on instructor feedback on essays. In this survey you will be asked questions about the feedback on your essay that you received from your writing instructor. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, but it is very important for instructors to learn your opinions because it helps them to adjust their feedback style to suit your needs.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Anne Shine at 5151 2713 or by email at the address below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

The essay instructions helped me to understand what was expected of me before I wrote the essay.
The grading system for the assignment was clearly and fully explained before I wrote the essay.
I read the feedback on the drafts of my essay.
I understood the feedback I received on the drafts of my essay.
The first draft of my essay was well written and needed little or no changes.
As a result of receiving feedback on the essay, I was able to see weaknesses I had not noticed before.
As a result of receiving the feedback on the essay, I understood the changes I could make to improve my essay.

If you did not understand the feedback, what did you do? Why?
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to improve the thesis statement and topic sentences
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to see where I needed to change the details/support so that they related to the topic sentences.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to see where to add details or expand the point I was making.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to improve the way I organized ideas.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to improve the way I connected ideas and used transitions to guide readers.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to improve subject/verb agreement, verb tenses, verb form problems.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to improve word order, missing word, word form, word choice problems.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to see the strengths of my essay.
The instructor’s feedback on the drafts of the essay helped me to see where I need to make more effort or seek help.
What was your grade out of 10 on the most recently completed essay? Round up or down to the nearest whole number as appropriate.
What type of essay were you writing e.g. comparison and contrast, cause and effect, narrative, argumentative?
21.What additional help from your instructor do you feel you would have benefited from?
What could you have done to prepare yourself for writing the first draft?
Do you have any other comments about the feedback on essays?

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