Survey Templates Surveys Univesiteit van Amsterdam

Univesiteit van Amsterdam

Univesiteit van Amsterdam

How many years has the office been under its current management / ownership?
How many dentists currently work in this dental practice?
How many dental assistants currently work in this dental practice?
How many support/administration staff are currently employed at this office?
Of the dentists mentioned above, how many years has each practiced dentistry?
How many years has each denist worked in this particular office?
On average, how many hours per week do the dentists work at this office?
How many weeks per year is this office open?
In this office, what is the total number of operatories?
Has this office made any new equipment expenditures in the past twelve months? If so, please list the three most expensive with date of purchase.
If you plan to make any major purchases within the next twelve months, please list.
Does this office have affiliations with any professional associations? If so, please list.
Please list the last three training events attended by the dentists in this office. Specify the name of the event, the type of training and the dates attended.
Other than general phone book listings, please estimate the advertising expenditures made by this office within the past twelve months (in US Dollars).
Describe your primary patients as one of the following:
Please estimate the dentist to population ratio for your community. (dentists/population)
Your next four answers should add up to 100 percent.
What percentage of patients in this office would your estimate to have family incomes in the following ranges: Under $15,000?
$15,000 to $35,000?
$35,001 to $70,000?
Over $70,000?
How many patients does this dental office treat / consult per month?
How many times per year, on average, do your patients visit this office for dental consultation or services?
How many new patients does your office consult / treat per month?
What is the average distance your patients travel to your office for an appointment? (miles)
What is the average waiting time before a patient can get an appointment at this office? (days)
What is the average waiting time that your patients spend in the waiting room before an appointment? (minutes)
What is the average amount of time that your patients spend with a dentist or hygienist per visit? (minutes)
In US dollars, what was the 2004 net income of this dental office (after practice expenses and business taxes)?
What percentage of this net income was obtained from private insurance claims?
What percentage of office net income is obtained from government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid or other public insurance?
What percentage of office net income is from non-insurable dentistry such as voluntary or cosmetic dentistry?
By what percent?
By what percent?
By what percent?
By what percent?
By what percent?
During which month of the year does this office normally make price changes?
For which of the following reasons would you account the most recent price changes?
Please click all that apply.
Periodic oral examination (D0120)
Biting radiographs, four films (D0274)
Dental prophylaxis, adults (D1110)
Pit and fissure sealant, per tooth (D1351)
Topic application of floride (including prophylaxis) - child (D1201)
Amalgam restoration, one surface, permanent (D2140)
Fixed unilateral space maintainer (D1510)
Crown - porcelain fused to noble metal (D2752)
Root canal therapy, anterior (include treatment plan, clinical procedure and follow-up care, exclude final restoration) (D3310)
Periodontal scaling and root planning - per quadrant (D4341)
Complete upper denture, including routine post-delivery care (D5110)
Extraction (including locl anesthesia and routine post-operative care) single tooth (D7110)
Does your office require full payment at time of service?
Does your office file insurance claims on behalf of your patients?
What percentage of your patients are covered by a dental insurance plan of any type?
The following questions are about specific involvement with different insurance plan types. *Definitions according to the Texas Dental Association.

Indemnity*: fully insured or self-insured plan where an assigned payment is provided for specific services, regardless of the actual charges made by the provider.  Payment may be made to enrollees or, by assignment, directly to dentists. Indemnity plans usually allow patients to go to the dentists of their choice. 
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)*: plans under which patients select a dentist from a network or list of providers who have agreed, by contract, to discount their fees.  In PPOs that allow patients to receive treatment from a non-participating dentist, patients who choose a non-participating dentist are usually required to pay higher deductibles and co-payments. 
Dental Health Maintenance Organizations / Capitation Plans (DHMO)*: plans that pay contracted dentists a fixed amount (usually on a monthly basis) per enrolled family or individual, regardless of utilization.  In return, the dentists agree to provide specific types of treatment to the patient.  The patient may be required to pay a co-payment.
Individual Practice Association (IPA): organization of dentists sponsored by independent dentists for the purposes of collectively providing care to a defined group of patients. An IPA is not sponsored by a carrier or a prepayment plan. IPAs may have a fee schedule agreement in place.
Have you voluntarily withdrawn from any insurance program within the past two years?
The next section of questions ask for your opinion on a variety of topic concerning the dental industry and insurers. Please click the corresponding answer for each of the following questions.

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Recent technological developments in the dental industry
Quality of new dental graduates
The number of dentists in your area

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Current pricing trends in the denal industry
The effectiveness of your dental association(s)
Current state and federal regulations effecting dentistry

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Consumer awareness of services available
The ease of becoming a paricipating dentist in insurance programs
The amount of additional patients received from involvement in insurance programs

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Your flexibility to refer insured patients to specialists
The amount of services covered under insurance programs
The administration required per insurance claim

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
The timeliness of insurers to pay for services performed
Fairness of insurance payments
Ability of insurance payments to cover service costs
If you would like to receive the final results and thesis, please add your email address here.

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