Survey Templates Surveys Shaka Survey

Shaka Survey

Shaka Survey


My name is Anthony Genovese. I am a senior at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A requirement for my minor is the creation of a business plan for a 'product.' The business plan must contain a survey of my target market. By taking the following survey, you will be helping me graduate in December! It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. I greatly appreacate your time and honesty.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

You have been selected to participate in a survey for a new product, the Shaka (patent pending). The Shaka is a small knife attachment that is placed on the spine of the knife to alleviate hand pain from knife work in the kitchen. The Shaka fits on all brands and types of knives. It is food safe, passes all federal health codes, and tested under rigorous conditions.

A simple demonstration of the Shaka follows:

1) The Shaka reduces discomfort from knife work, protects the hand from pain, prevents the development of calluses, and reduces existing calluses.

2) The Shaka is easily secured on the spine of the knife.

3) The Shaka works by creating cushion for the hand and fingers when using the knife.
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Are you a professional chef?

Please rate the following
All the time
Do you experience pain or discomfort from knife work?
Does this pain limit your ability to work?
Does this pain create problems outside of work?
How frequently do you use knives?
What type of cuisine does your restaurant prepare?
What is the maximum capacity of your restaurant?
What is the average price of an entree at your restaurant?
The knives you use at work...

The following are three possible designs for the Shaka. For each design, please select whether you like, dislike, or have no preference.

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No Preference
Design A
Design B
Design C
What other features would you like the Shaka to have?
How much would you pay for the Shaka?
Are you more likely to purchase the Shaka...
Would you expect your employer to provide you with the Shaka?
Where would you expect to find the Shaka?

Please rate the following
All the time
Do you experience pain or discomfort from knife work?
Does this pain limit your ability to cook?
Does this pain create problems outside of the kitchen?
How frequently do you use knives?
What type of cuisine do you frequently prepare?

The following are three possible designs for the Shaka. For each design, please select whether you like, dislike, or have no preference.

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No Preference
Design A
Design B
Design C
What other features would you like the Shaka to have?
How much would you pay for the Shaka?
Are you more likely to purchase the Shaka...
Where would you expect to find the Shaka?
Email Address:
What is your yearly household income? (Round to nearest thousand dollar).
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

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