Survey Templates Surveys Perspectives on Science and Marine Protected Areas

Perspectives on Science and Marine Protected Areas

Perspectives on Science and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

In recent years there has been increasing debate about what constitutes reliable scientific findings that can be used with confidence to make important policy decisions. While knowledge of science may vary, most people have opinions on science. Please take a moment to offer your opinion on science and the scientific process by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.

1. Use of the scientific method is the only certain way to determine what is true or false about the world.
2. The advance of knowledge is a linear process driven by key experiments.
3. Science provides objective knowledge about the world.
4. It is possible to eliminate values and value judgments from the interpretation of scientific data.
5. Facts describe true states of affairs about the world.
6. Scientific truth is an interpretation, based on a combination of scientific and social judgments.
7. Equally valid, yet different scientific interpretations can be made using the same data.
8. Scientific theories limit how we can understand the results of scientific experiments.
9. Non-scientists can make valid judgments about the same phenomena studied by scientists using different sources of knowledge (e.g. personal experience, religious belief, traditional knowledge).
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are an increasingly popular policy tool for addressing various challenges related to marine conservation and resource management. There has been considerable debate over how science and scientists should be incorporated into environmental policy processes, including those related to MPAs.

NOTE: Although a ‘scientist’ can be defined in different ways, for the purpose of this section of the survey a scientist is anyone who is actively engaged in conducting scientific research in the natural and/or physical sciences as part of his/her professional activities.

Please offer your opinion on the proper role of scientists in the MPA policy process by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.


10. Scientists should only report scientific results and leave others to make decisions about MPA design
11. Scientists should report scientific results and then interpret the results for others involved in designing MPAs
12. Scientists should work closely with managers and others to integrate scientific results into MPA design decisions
13. Scientists should actively advocate for specific MPA designs they prefer
14. Scientists should be ultimately responsible for making decisions about MPA design
15. As indicated in the preceding questions, a range of possible roles exist for scientists in the MPA design process. Please choose which of the following statements you most agree with – please choose ONLY one .

Ideally, when MPAs are established…


Scientists also have a range of roles available to them in the management of existing MPAs. Please offer your opinion on the proper role of scientists in the management of MPAs by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.

16. Scientists should only report scientific results and leave others to make MPA management decisions
17. Scientists should report scientific results and then interpret the results for others involved in MPA management decisions
18. Scientists should work closely with managers and others to integrate scientific results into MPA management decisions
19. Scientists should actively advocate for specific MPA management policies they prefer
20. Scientists should be ultimately responsible for making decisions about MPA management

In theory, MPAs can help to meet a variety of objectives. For the objectives listed below, please indicate how effective you think MPAs are in practice for meeting these objectives, based on your experience with and knowledge of particular MPAs . Please evaluate each objective on a scale from 1 (never effective) to 5 (always effective) by checking a number.
1 (Never Effective)
2 (Seldom Effective)
3 (Sometimes Effective)
4 (Often Effective)
5 (Always Effective)
N/A (No Opinion)
21 a) Protect Depleted, Threatened, Rare, or Endangered Species or Populations
21 b) Preserve or Restore the Viability of Representative Habitats and Ecosystems
21 c) Regulate Exploitation Rates of Fisheries
21 d) Protect Critical Stages of Species’ Life History
21 e) Reduce Secondary Fishing Impacts (e.g. impact of gear on benthic habitat)
21 f) Ensure Against Possible Failures of Conventional Fisheries Regulatory Systems
21 g) Enhance Nearby Fisheries (replenish stocks, enhance recruitment, etc.)
21 h) Provide a Source of Baseline Scientific Data for Research Purposes
21 i) Offer Educational Opportunities
21 j) Enhance/Encourage Recreational Activities and Tourism
1 (Never Effective)
2 (Seldom Effective)
3 (Sometimes Effective)
4 (Often Effective)
5 (Always Effective)
N/A (No Opinion)
21 k) Regulate Recreational Activities and Tourism
21 l) Sustain and Restore Environmental Benefits and Ecological Functions
21 m) Protect Cultural Heritage
21 n) Reduce Poverty and Improve Livelihoods for Local People
21 o) Maintain and Protect Traditional Uses
22. Are there any other objectives that you believe MPAs are effective in addressing?
23. Even when management objectives are clearly specified, some MPAs fail to meet their objectives. Please read the challenges to achieving MPA objectives listed below, and rank the three most common problems. Indicate the most common problem with ‘1’, the second most common problem with ‘2’, and the third most common problem with ‘3’.
Insufficient financial and technical resources
Lack of data for management decisions
Inadequate enforcement of laws and policies
Lack of public support for MPA and unwillingness of users to follow rules
Unsustainable use of resources within MPA
MPA is poorly designed, given objectives
Impacts from activities in land and sea areas outside of MPA boundaries
If you chose 'Other', please explain:
24. Scientific research on MPAs is driven by many factors. Please rank up to three of the factors listed below that you believe most strongly influence MPA research. Indicate the most influential factor with ‘1’, the second most influential factor with ‘2’, and the third most influential factor with ‘3’.
Environmental conditions (e.g. populations in decline)
Scientific/academic interests
Management needs (i.e. information needed to manage and evaluate MPAs)
Interests of MPA user groups (e.g. fishers, dive operators, local residents)
Interests of non-governmental organizations
Availability of funding
Political feasibility and government priorities
If you chose 'Other', please explain:
25. Which factors do you think should have the most influence on determining research questions about MPAs? Please rank up to three of the factors listed below. Indicate the most important factor with ‘1’, the second most important factor with ‘2’, and the third most important factor with ‘3’.
Environmental conditions (e.g. populations in decline)
Scientific/academic interests
Management needs (i.e. information needed to manage and evaluate MPAs)
Interests of MPA user groups (e.g. fishers, dive operators, local residents)
Interests of non-governmental organizations
Interests of funding organizations
Political feasibility and government priorities
If you chose 'Other', please explain:
Name of MPA
Role of Science in MPA
Name of MPA:
Role of Science in MPA:
SECTION 4: Please take a moment to describe your personal and professional characteristics.
28. What is your sex?
29. In what year were you born?
30. What is the highest degree you received? (Please check one).
31. In what country did you receive this degree?
32. If this was a university degree, in what discipline or field did you receive this degree?
33. In what type of institution are you currently conducting your work/research? (Please choose one of the following; if you work for more than one organization, please choose the one where you do the majority of your work. If you are currently retired or unemployed, please choose the one that describes your most recent employer).
34. Recognizing that people do many different things as part of their jobs, please check the two activities that best describe your job responsibilities.
35. Please elaborate on the most important activities or duties related to your current employment.
36. How much of the time that you spend on professional (work-related) activities is related to MPAs? (Include all activities such as research, natural resource management, advocacy, consulting, teaching, etc., whether or not they are part of your official job responsibilities. Please check the most appropriate choice).
37. For how many years have you been involved in work and/or research related to MPAs?
38. Please list all countries in which you have work/research experience with MPAs:
39. Did you present a paper or participate in a panel at the IMPAC?
40. Please include any additional comments you may have about the role of science in MPAs, or anything else related to this survey.

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