Survey Templates Surveys Sample Survey

Sample Survey

Sample Survey


Thanks for taking the time to participate. You've been randomly selected to take a poll on rooming policies in upperclass houses. The results will be used to help shape the UC's student advocacy efforts on this and related issues.

Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. This poll will be divided into three short parts and will take approximately 10-15 minutes total to complete.

Part I - Demographic Info
Please indicate your sex.
Please select the racial/ethnic category or categories which best describe you.
If you choose to identify with a sexual orientation, please select the option which best applies.

Please mark the number of male and female members in your original blocking group (include yourself in the appropriate category).
Part II - Personal Opinions
While answering the questions in Part II, please consider the following two possibilities for rooming, which will be referred to as the "current system" and "proposed system."

Current system: The upperclass housing system as it exists today in which rooms and suites are single-gender. Members of the opposite gender may not live in the same suite.

Proposed system: Like the current system except students could voluntarily form mixed-gender rooming groups and live in mixed-gender suites. Individual bedrooms within suites would remain single-gender. Students could not be roomed in mixed-gender suites without their explicit consent.

Would you favor or oppose switching to the proposed system in place of the current system?
If you could choose which rooming system would be in place from next year forward, which would you select?
If the proposed system were in place during your time at Harvard, how do you think your quality of life would be (would have been) affected, relative to your quality of life under the current system?
If the proposed system were to be implemented, how do you think overall quality of life at Harvard would be affected?
If the proposed system were in place during your entire time in an upperclass house, how likely do you think you would be (would have been) to take advantage of it for at least one semester?
Part III - Parental Opinions
Parent 1
Parent 2 (if applicable)

We would like to ask your parent(s)/guardian(s) their opinions on the proposed system. Please, if possible, provide us with their contact information. We will of course not share any of your survey answers with them (we won’t even tell them you took a survey). You may skip this section or any parts of it if you feel uncomfortable providing the information.

First Name
Last Name
Evening Phone
Current time difference between parent's residence and Boston (please enter +/- and # of hours or zero)
First Name
Last Name
Evening Phone
Current time difference between parent's residence and Boston (please enter +/- and # of hours or zero)
May we tell your parent(s) you referred us to them?

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