Survey Templates Surveys Student dependency on computers

Student dependency on computers

Student dependency on computers

Are you currently a enrolled University student?
How old are you?
What is your gender?
What is your Race?
What is your marital status as of today?
Wat is your current status within the University?
Which of the following best describes your residential situation as of today?
How many hours do you typically use the computer each day?
How many hours do you typically use the computer for school purposes?
Do you use the computer messenger system?
Does your current class require you to be ale to use an internet connected computer?
Would you use your computer to take notes in class instead of using hand written notes? (assuming you have a laptop)
How much of the class materials does your class instructor put on the class website?
Have you ever taken an online course while enrolled in the University?
If you answered "yes" on the previous question, then how many hours have you typically spent in a week for the online course?
Your computer is...
How would you prefer to communicate with a University Staff and stdents? (assuming all are possible)
What is the max number of days do you think you can survive without a computer in a university?
When you get up in the morning, what is the first thing you do?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The University I am enrolled in pressures me to be on the computer and be online whenever I can.

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