Survey Templates Surveys CareVue Clinical Satisfaction

CareVue Clinical Satisfaction

Research Project

This questionnaire belongs to the Dissertation Project for the Master's Degree in Healthcare Technologies, being taken at City University at the Measurement and Information in Medicine Centre (MIM). Please fill out the information below by reading each question and then choosing your answer. Thank you for your help.
What best describes your job?
How long have you been using CareVue?
How often do you use the CareVue ?

How comfortable are you using CareVue ?
The mouse is comfortable to work with .
The monitor has the right size .
How satisfied are you with data entry on the CareVue ?
Are you satisfied with your workstation ?
Are you satisfied with CareVue text size ?
CareVue provides you with a quick access to all patient information .
How fast do you find CareVue in terms of switching from one flowsheet to another ?
CareVue improves the charting quality .
CareVue improves the clinical error detection.
CareVue improves the hand-over process .
The use of CareVue leads to a better patient care.
Overall, how satisfied are you with the CareVue?

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