Survey Templates Surveys Software Testing :Industry Survey

Software Testing :Industry Survey

Industry Analysis : Verification & Validation

How is the market potential in Verification & Validation Industry ?
How many employees are located at the site where you work?
The scope of competitive rivalry in VnV Industry is
What percent of the employees at your site are involved in software development?
In your organization, who is primarily responsible for software testing now ?
Who do you anticipate will provide primary software testing services in two years?
Which of the following names most closely matches the name of your software testing group?
To whom does your software testing group directly report ?
How many different types of software products does your company test?
Your primary skill is:
How many years have you been involved in software testing?

Do you have any formal training in software testing or quality assurance?
How many full-time software testers does your group have that are permanently assigned to software testing?
How many full-time software testers does your group have that are contract or temporary?
Which job functions does your software testing group have responsibility for?
What are five qualities essential for a software testing person?
During a typical day at your organization, what percentage of a software tester's time is spent actually on testing an application?
How is non-testing time spent?
Which areas do your staff members receive formal training in?
What is your target number of hours of classroom training per employee per year?
Career paths for software testers at your organization are best described as:
What is the average tenure of members in your software testing group?
When people leave the software testing group, where do they go?
How would you rate your software testing process?
Do you have documented test requirements and/or specifications?
Are your test cases documented?
How are test cases grouped?
How long have you used the automated test tool(s)?
Did you receive formal testing in the use of the automated tool?
What percent of your testing process is automated?
Which of the following metrics do you track?
What is your average number of outstanding defects per month?
What are the three most likely reasons for an increase in software defects?
Does your software testing group have a goal or standard for the number of defects allowable at any time for a particular software product?
What automated tools do you use for software testing ,if any ?
How are software defects corrected?
On which platforms do you test (Windows,Mainframe etc..)?
Who is primarily responsible for prioritizing software defects?
What is your company's position on ISO certification?
Does your company maintain quality or service level agreements with customers?
How do you use on-line communication resources (such as the Internet) in your software testing efforts?
Are customers encouraged to participate in software testing?
Thank you for participating in this survey! Results are updated and posted on a monthly basis. If you would like to be notified when the results containing your responses are posted, please provide your email address.

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