Survey Templates Surveys Florida Distance Learning Library Services

Florida Distance Learning Library Services

Distance Learning Library Services


Thank you in advance! I am conducting a survey to assess distance learning library services among Florida's State University Systems. I have asked the distance learning librarians from all 11 SUS to complete the survey.

The majority of the questions focus on distance learning library services with a few general questions on distance education. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

If you have questions at any time please contact me (Sarah J. Hammill) at 305-919-5604 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey by clicking on the Continue button below.

1.Does your university offer
Is Distance Learning centralized or decentralized at your university?
Does your university charge extra fees for online courses?
Does the library offer distance learning library services?
What model of staffing does the library use?
Does the library have a separate permanent budget for distance learning? If yes, how large?
If the library has a dedicated distance-learning librarian, is this a full-time position?
If no, what proportion of duties are devoted distance learning?
To whom does the distance learning librarian report? Check all that apply.
Does your university distance education web page link to the distance learning library web page?
Do you have a list of registered distance education students from your university?
If yes, how do you use this information?
Are you involved in a university level committee on distance education issues?
If yes, in what role?
How do you contact faculty about distance learning library services? (check all that apply)
How many times per semester do you contact faculty?
On average, how many distance education faculty do you collaborate with per semester? Please explain.
What kind of collaboration projects do you participate in? (Check all that apply.)
Do you mail books to distance education students?
If yes, do you charge your students for your shipping cost?
Do you define distance education students for specific services provided?
If yes, then how do you define them?
Does your library have a toll free phone line for your distance education students and faculty?
If yes, who answers the phone line?
What institution are you from?
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