Survey Templates Surveys participants



Hello again!

Now that the program is at the end, we would like to get your ideas about the overall effectiveness of this program. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey.

It is very important for us to learn your opinions, however your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Amanda Gore at 02)8382 3545 or by email at the email address specified below. Thank you very much for your time and support.

Which of the following South East Health (SEH) facilities do you work for when acting as an EN instrument nurse?
In your opinion, how effective was the education that prepared you to act in the role of the instrument nurse?
Do you think we achieved this outcome?
Was this true for you in your clinical environment?
This question asks you to rate your competencies at week 20 of the program.

(supervised but not directed)
(supervised with guidance)
(supervised with frequent guidance and direction)
(supervised with maximal guidance and direction)
Acting as the circulating nurse
Acting as the instrument nurse
Applying standard precautions
(count sheets, perioperative forms, specimens, incident forms)
Preparing for patient care
Handling technical equipment and instruments
Prepping and draping the patient
Communicating with the OR team
Ability to anticipate
Ability to change from the routine
Do you think that your clinical skill development as an instrument nurse has been reasonable over the duration of the program?
In your opinion, is there any way we can improve clinical skill development for EN instrument nurses?

Do you believe you have a thorough understanding of the policies related to the EN Scrub nurse pilot enabling you to act as an instrument nurse?
Facilitators (OR educators) and preceptors (clinical experts) play an important part in the philosophy and delivery of this program. We would like to find out how these roles have worked and influenced your experience of the program.

Please rate the following statements about FACILITATORSusing the grading system provided.
Always true
Mostly true
Rarely true
Never true
My facilitator was knowledgeable about the requirements of the program
My facilitator preceptor discussed my aims with me
My facilitator planned my clinical experience with me
My facilitator organised my clinical rotations
My facilitator provided support and information
My facilitator completed any required program documentation
My facilitator provided constructive feedback during meetings which were confidential
My facilitator helped me reach my aims
Please rate the following statements about PRECEPTORSusing the grading system provided.
Always true
Mostly true
Rarely true
Never true
My preceptor knew about me and my clinical requirements
My preceptor supervised my clinical time
My preceptor understood the requirements of the program
My preceptor discussed my aims with me
My preceptor provided appropriate assistance and guidance
My preceptor completed the required assessment forms with me
My preceptor provdided constructive feedback during meetings which were confidential
These may include staff shortages, roster changes, incompatible rosters, part-time status, other workload issues. Please comment.

CLINICAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTSThe clinical performance assessments were designed to help the participant identify areas with which they were comfortable and those areas of practice that needed development. We would like to find out if the assessments fulfilled this intention.

Please rate the following statements using the grading system:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The clinical performance assessments were easy to understand
The clinical performance assessments demonstrated the development of my clinical skills
The clinical performance assessments identified areas for further development
The clinical performance assessments encouraged me to discuss my progress with my preceptor/facilitator
The clinical performance assessments were a positive learning experience
Please provide any further constructive comments that you think would help improve the clinical performance assessments.

Please give us your opinion on the outcomes of attending the workshops during the course. For example, did they change your practice, skills, knowledge or attitudes?

Do you have any ideas for changing the workshops?

In your opinion, was the workbook a necessary part of the program?
Please give us your opinion of completing the workbook during the course. For example, did it changed your knowledge, skills, attitudes, or practice? Please comment.

Do you have any suggestions for improving the workbook? Please consider the content, format, types of learning activities, and the surgical specialties covered.

The amount of work required to complete the workbooks was:
Are there any other comments you would like to make about the EN Scrub Nurse Pilot program?.
Please comment, any suggestions you have can be used improve future programs of this nature.

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