Survey Templates Surveys Sample Survey

Sample Survey

Sample Survey


You are invited to participate in our survey for an upper-division marketing course (MKT 400) at UNLV. In this survey, at least 60 people will be asked questions about their internet and cell phone use. It will also ask about useage of the popular online community website, You do not have to be familiar or have an account with MySpace to complete the survey -- we value your input as well! The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and anonymous. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will only be used for our class report. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you can send an email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

- Kaori, Deanna, Yorke, and Manny
2.Your sex:
Your age:
Your Race / Ethnicity:
Level of Education:
Your Occupation:
What is your annual household income?
Where do you access the Internet?
How often do you access the Internet?
How shy or outgoing would you say you are?
Do you currently own a cellphone?
On average, how many hours do you spend on your cell phone in a day?
Do you own an account from the website?
If yes, how often do you visit Myspace website?
On average, how many hours do you spend on MySpace website in a day?

You use MySpace to:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Keep in touch with friends
Find old friends
Meet new people
Promotion (to promote your organization, band, business, etc.)
Everyone else is doing it
Bored, a way to spend time
Very Interested
Somewhat Interested
Not Interested
Not At All Interested
MySpace is thinking about introducing their own cell phone that includes the features same as on their website. It would also come with its own service plan. How likely would you be interested in this new service/product?
Very Likely
Not Likely
Not At All
How likely would you be in purchasing it?
How important are the following factors to determine your purchase of a MySpace cellphone? (physical features)
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Really Important
Not At All Important
User friendliness
Camera/video features
How important are the following factors to determine your purchase of a MySpace cellphone? (service features)
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Really Important
Not At All Important
Cellphone price
Service plans
Service price
Customer service
Internet access
Text messaging
Other tools/extras
At what price range would you be willing to pay for a MySpace cell phone?
Please rank the following MySpace features/functions on a cell phone in order of importance to you: (1 - Highest, 6 - Lowest)
Mailbox - ability to read and write MySpace mail from cell phone
Bulletins - send posts to all your friends anytime, anywhere from a cell phone
Blogs - read and write blogs on-the-go without a PC
Photos - view photos on friends' profiles optimized for a cell phone screen
Profiles - view profiles and add new comments through cell phone
Friends - add/delete friends through cell phone
Very Likely
Not At All
How likely are you to purchase a MySpace cell phone if your friends have it?
Which added features would make you more likely to purchase a MySpace cell phone? Check all that apply.
Do you currently own any MySpace merchandise? ("MySpace Records Vol.1" CD, shirts, stickers, buttons, etc.)
Any additional suggestions / comments?

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