Survey Templates Surveys Corporate Character Study

Corporate Character Study

Corporate Character Study

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1. The people at SIS understand its business objectives clearly.
2. People genuinely like one another.
3. People follow clear guidelines and instructions about work.
4. People get along very well and disputes are rare.
5. Poor performance is dealt with quickly and firmly.
6. People often socialise outside of work.
7. The people in the company really want to win.
8. People do favours for each other because they like one another.
9. When opportunities for competitive advantage arise, people move decisively to capitalise on them.
10. People make friends for the sake of friendship – there is no other agenda.
11. Strategic goals are shared.
12. People often confide in one another about personal matters.
13. People build close long-term relationships – some day they may be of benefit.
14. Reward and punishment are clear.
15. People know a lot about each other’s families.
16. The company is determined to beat clearly defined competitors.
17. People are always encouraged to work things out – flexibly – as they go along.
18. Hitting targets is the single most important thing.
19. To get something done you can work around the system.
20. Projects that are started are completed.
21. When people leave, co-workers stay in contact to see how they are doing.
22. It is clear where one person’s job ends and another person’s begins.
23. People protect each other.
24. There’s too much gossip here.
25. Close relationships help people communicate quickly.
26. Presentations are largely all show and no substance.
27. People don’t allow rules to hold them up; they cut through the bureaucracy.
28. Friendship often stops people from making tough decisions.
29. Friendships mean people stay at the company even when times are tough.
30. The group has within it all the resources and information it needs to succeed.
31. The people challenge each other about what we do and how we do it.
32. The leadership of the organization would be nearly impossible to replace.
33. People strongly identify with and live the values.
34. People feel confident and certain about the future.
35. People all over the organization talk and share ideas.
36. Individuals are left alone to produce their best work.
37. People hardly see each other as colleagues.
38. Organizational success is largely the sum of individual successes.
39. People avoid tasks and activities that would benefit the organization as a whole.
40. There are few rules or meetings that get in the way of work.
41. People try to avoid each other.
42. The performance system drives people to undermine each other.
43. People care about their own individual targets and goals first, and the overall organizational performance second.
44. People spend too much time finding out how much the competition will pay them.
45. Criteria for success and failure are clear, agreed upon, and publicized.
46. Different parts of the organization are so focused on their own targets that they miss business opportunities that require co-operation.
47. Priorities are determined quickly and followed decisively.

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