Survey Templates Surveys The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary

Client Id Number
Date of Report
Your Gender (Check One):
Were you satisfied with your room, the facilities and the basic necessities at the shelter?
What race do you consider yourself? (READ OPPTIONS, CHECK ONE)
Did you feel safe during your stay at the shelter?
If you had a friend who was in need of shelter, would you recommend that the friend come to the shelter?
Were you satisfied with the meals you had at the shelter?
Were the workshops/group discussions at the shelter informative to you?
Were the shelter rules and policies explained to you and were you satisfied with them?
Were you satisfied with the way you were treated by the child care staff?
Did you feel all your questions were addressed by staff in a timely manner?
Did you feel that you were actively involved in your own case planning?
Were you satisfied with the services that you received from your case manager?
If you used the hotline, were you satisfied with the services that you received?
Of the other programs and groups that we offered, which were the most helpful or interesting to you?
What additional programs or groups would you like to see offered at The Sanctuary?
What programs or groups did you not like? Why?

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