Survey Templates Surveys Wireless Accommodation Booking Survey

Wireless Accommodation Booking Survey

Wireless Accommodation Booking Survey

1. Do you own a mobile phone?
2. Is your mobile phone WAP enabled?
3. Do you know that WAP enables you to access Internet through you mobile phone?
4. Do you subscribe to WAP services?
5. What kind of information do you access using WAP (You may select more than one choice)?
6. What category are you in?
7. How do you make hotel booking (You may select more than one choice)?
8. Which of the categories best describes your last experience in booking a room?
9. Have you ever used WAP to make hotel booking?
10. What problem do you normally face when making a hotel booking?
11. Please rank the following WAP hotel booking functions in order of importance according to your point of view. (1 - most important, 6 - least important)
Make booking
Check room rates
Change booking
Cancel booking
Access hotel facilities information
Receive special offers information
12. Please rank the following WAP booking criterion in order of importance. (1 - most important, 4 - least important)
Efficient booking process
Easily connected any time and anywhere
Simple navigation
Interactive user interface design
13. Will you consider using WAP services to make hotel booking in the future?

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