Survey Templates Surveys Freshalicious



Do you usually have breakfast in the morning ?
Do you eat it:
How much do you spend if you eat out?
Please answer the following statements ticking the number you think is most appropriate.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I feel that I don't have time for lunch.
During lunch time I usually :
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Go to a fast food place ie McDonalds, Burger King…
Go to a sandwich place ie Pret a Manger, EAT..
Go to the supermarket ie Marks & Spencer, Tesco Express…
Go to the restaurant
Bring my own food

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Fast foods in general do not have a wide healthy choice
Do you have snacks during the day?
How much do you spend on snacks per day?
I usually have dinner:
I usually
How often in a week do you go to restaurants?
How often in a week do you go to a fast food place/take away place?
I am concerned about leading a healthy lifestyle
Healthy Food is expensive
I consider my diet as healthy
I have my 5 fruits/vegetables a day
Healthy food is only a concern for women
Healthy Food is not tasty
Healthy Food is not filling
What kind of food would you like to find in a Healthy Fast Food ? (you may tick more than one answer)
Any other suggestion?
How much are you willing to pay for lunch in the Healthy Fast Food?
The Healthy Fast Food is also organising free events during the evening about healthy lifestyle (lecture, conferences, debate, tips…). Would you be interested?
I am a:
I am:
Job occupation:
Suggestions for the new Healthy Fast Food :

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