Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [jwcnsyrnf

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [jwcnsyrnf

Thank you for taking part in the Childcare tools survey.

This survey is designed to gather information on what parents look for when choosing for a nursery.
Space is provided at the end should you wish to comment on any questions or leave additional views.

(Duration: 5-10 minutes)

Please answer all questions as this will help in developing tools that will hopefully benefit children, parents and nurseries.

Do you have children attending a nursery or will be attending a nursery?
Which is your preferred type of nursery?

(Please select one answer)

Please explain your reasons for the previous choice

Please rank the following in order of preference (1 being the most preferred and 6 being the least)
How do you search for a nursery?

Local Council
Yellow pages
Friends or Family recommendations
Local area (nurseries closest to you)

Please rate each of the following nursery attributes
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Not even worth mentioning
Security (visible door locks etc.)
Health and Safety (clear signs and regular practice - fire drills etc.)
Pricing (costs per session/week etc)
Opening/extended hours
Nursery facilities such as secured outdoor play area, quiet room, meals
Interaction with other children
Pre-school education
Secured viewing of the nursery
24 hr web based access to information
Pickup & drop off service (e.g. school bus)
What would you like to see on a nursery website?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Never want to see that
Nursery contact information (tel,map etc)
Information about the nursery
Staff (name,skills picture)
Pictures of the nursery facilities with children
Pictures of the nursery facilities without children
Calendar timetable (future events/outings)
Works of art created by the children
Online Web camera access.

What do you think about viewing the nursery via a web camera?

Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Never want to see that
Please enter your email address if you are willing.

Are there any questions you think we should of asked and/or comments you wish to make?

Survey Demonstration Conclusion

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