Survey Templates Surveys BE420 - On-Line Project

BE420 - On-Line Project

BE420 - On-Line Project

Which gross annual household income category do you fit into?
Have you ever purchased products off of the Internet?
What is your main reason for not purchasing products online?
What purchases have you made online? (select all that apply)
What is your most preferred method of payment when making online purchases?
Please rate the following reasons for purchasing online.
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Minimal Importance
Not Important
No pressure from sales people
Are able to compare prices and products from other outlets
Get better deals
Do you purchase shipping insurance when purchasing products online?
Do you currently have a PayPal account setup to make online purchases?
Would you consider purchasing sports equipment from an online retailer that offered end of season products with virtual sales reps and sizing guides?
What sports equipment would you consider purchasing online? (select all that apply)
What sports equipment have you purchased online? (select all that apply)
How often do you generally purchase new equipment?
When purchasing new equipment, you mainly purchase:
Where do you mainly purchase your sporting equipment?

Very knowledgeable
Somewhat knowledgeable
I rely on the sales person to tell me what I need
How would you rate your level of knowledge when purchasing sports equipment?
When purchasing sports equipment how would you rate the following?
Sales person's expertise
Product reviews in magazines / online
Recommendations from others
Product quality
Approximately how much per year do you spend on sports equipment?
Do you plan on purchasing sports equipment within the next 2 years?

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