Survey Templates Surveys Disaster Recovery Survey

Disaster Recovery Survey

Welcome to the Disaster Recovery Survey.

This Disaster Recovery survey will determine how efficent your disaster recovery back up plan is in your organization.

Prevention is always better than sorry!

(Duration: 5-10 minutes)

Name Of Company:
Job Designation:
Email Address:
Contact Number (Optional):
(You may select more than one.)
How frequently do you test your data restore process?
How long will you revise your Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)?
Is there an estimate of the volume and type of data lost during a recovery attempt of data losses?
Have post disaster cleanup or restoration arrangements been made?
Is your Organization appointed professionals able to react immediately in the event when a disaster strikes?
Do you currently have a data backup and recovery system in place today?
How frequently do you ask to back up your data?
How would you rate the overall reliability of your current backup and recovery system and procedures?
How clearly are your Disaster Recovery (DR) and Risk Assessment (RA) outcomes defined?

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