Survey Templates Surveys Food Choice Questionnaire

Food Choice Questionnaire

Food Choice Questionnaire

你好呀! 多謝你有興趣參與這個問卷調查!

我是就讀於澳洲UNSW的學生, 修讀Food Science and Nutrition. 我現在進行一項關於香港人對食物選擇(Food Choice)的研究. 如果閣下現居於香港, 希望你能抽空填寫以下問卷, 大約只需3分鐘.

由於本問卷主要是以外國的同類調查作資料來源,所以我保留了原文(即英文), 然後再加上翻譯(即中文), 如閣下認為英文較容易理解,可以不會理會我的翻譯(譯得不太好呢...^^").

參與全屬自願性質, 可以隨時終止作答. 所有資料都是匿名的以及會絕對保密, 亦只作學術用途. 如有任何問題, 請透過以下電郵地址與我聯絡.

再次多謝你既參與, 請按"Continue" 進入問卷, 唔該晒! :)
It is important to me that the food I eat on a typical day (在我平日選擇食物時,以下條件的重要性):

*請根據"實際"情況作答, 而不是"理想"情況*

*有些條件意思相近, 仍請作答*
Not at all important--(完全不重要)
Little important--(少許重要)
Moderately important--(普通重要)
Very important--(非常重要)
Keeps me healthy (令我保持健康)
Can be found in shops and supermarkets easily (容易在商店及超級市場得到)
Has a pleasant texture (討好的質感)
Is not expensive(不昂貴)
Is what I usually eat (是我經常進食的)
Has the country of origin clearly marked (有標明原產國)
Contains no additives (沒有添加劑)
Keeps me awake/alert (令我保持清醒)
Is high in protein (高蛋白質)
Takes no time to prepare (不用調製)
Not at all important--(完全不重要)
Little important--(少許重要)
Moderately important--(普通重要)
Very important--(非常重要)
Smells nice (討好的香味)
Helps me control my weight (幫助控制體重)
Helps me to cope with stress (幫助舒緩壓力)
Is nutritious (有營養的)
Can be cooked very simply (只需簡單地烹調)
Is cheap (便宜的)
Is like the food I ate when I was a child (與小時候喜歡的食物相似)
Is packaged in an environmentally friendly way (環保的包裝)
Makes me feel good (令我感覺舒服)
Is good for my skin/teeth/hair/nails etc. (對我的皮膚/牙齒/頭髮/指甲等有益)
Not at all important--(完全不重要)
Little important--(少許重要)
Moderately important--(普通重要)
Very important--(非常重要)
Can be bought in shops close to where I live or work (能夠在住所或工作地點附近買到)
Tastes good (好味)
Contains no artificial ingredients (沒有人造的成份)
Is low in calories (低卡路里)
Comes from countries I approve of politically (由我政治上贊同的國家入口)
Cheers me up (令我高興)
Is familiar to me (是我熟悉的)
Is good value for money (物有所值的)
Is high in fibre and roughage (高纖維的)
Helps me to cope with life (幫助應付生活)
Not at all important--(完全不重要)
Little important--(少許重要)
Moderately important--(普通重要)
Very important--(非常重要)
Is easy to prepare (容易調製)
Looks nice (賣相討好)
Contains natural ingredients (含有天然成份)
Is low in fat (低脂肪)
Helps me to relax (幫助放鬆心情)
High in vitamins and minerals (含有豐富維他命及礦物質)
您的身高 (米, m) (例如 1.42, 1.50, 1.68 等)
您的體重 (公斤, kg)

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