Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [coiyocecq

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [coiyocecq

Dear Colleague: Thank you for agreeing to participate in this nationwide study on multicultural teaching. We are interested in gathering information on the experiences and perspectives of psychologists who teach multicultural counseling courses. Gathering this information has the potential to enhance how psychology programs approach and support the teaching of multicultural counseling courses. We apologize if you have received other emails about this survey. If you have already participated, we would appreciate it if you could pass this information on to other colleagues who teach multicultural counseling courses.There are four sections to the survey on this website that we will ask you to complete. The first section asks for demographic information on you and the program in which you teach. The second and third sections are attitudinal surveys that explore your views about the multicultural courses you teach as well as the multicultural focus of your academic program. Finally, the fourth section asks for some specific information about the multicultural courses taught within your department. Generally, individuals are able to complete this survey within 20-30 minutes. There is no right or wrong answers. There are no known risks to participating in this project because all information will be kept confidential and used only for group analysis purposes. In fact, your name will not appear on any of the surveys and your responses will be identified only as a study code number. However, before you complete the instrument, we need to be assured that you are aware that you may withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time without penalty. If you do not wish to participate, simply do not complete the survey. If you have already completed this survey recently, we apologize in advance for duplicate responses to participate. To participate in the study, please click the “Continue” button found below and complete the instrument. By doing so, you are providing and documenting your consent to participate. When you have completed all surveys, you will need to click the “Submit” button for your responses to be recorded as valid. If you do not wish to participate, simply do not complete the survey. The University at Buffalo Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board (SBSIRB) has reviewed this research. Questions about your rights as a participant in research can be directed to the University at Buffalo SBSIRB at 716-645-3321. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance. Further information about this study can be obtained by contacting: Dr. Amy L. Reynolds Assistant Professor University at Buffalo (716) 645-2484, ext.1058 [email protected]
Demographics: please respond to the following questions regarding your program and background.
List other significant demographic variables which describe you, your world view, and may affect how teach (e.g., age, religion, nationality, class, sexual orientation):
Type of Degree Program You are Teaching in:
Your Highest Degree (Check all that apply)
Your Highest degree (Check all that apply)
Professor Status (Check all that apply)
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Native American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Please indicate to what extent the question applies to your department or program. Disregard questions that do not apply.

For the purposes of this instrument, please consider the definition of multicultural issues to mean ethnic and racial issues. The term "minority" refers to those persons of Asian American, African American, Latino/a American, and Native American backgrounds.
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A lot
I believe that multicultural issues are integrated into courswork.
The course syllabi reflect an infusion of multiculturalism.
There is a diversity of teaching strategies and procedures employed in the classroom (e.g. cooperative and individual achievement).
There are various methods used to evaluate student performance and learning (e.g. written and oral assignments).
Multicultural issues are considered an important component of supervision.
There is at least one person whose primary research interest is in multicultural issues.
Faculty members are doing research in multicultural issues.
Awareness of and responsiveness to multicultural issues is part of my overall evaluation.
Being multiculturally competent is valued.
I am encouraged to integrate multicultural issues into my courses.
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A lot
I am encouraged to integrate multicultural issues into my work.
I feel comfortable with the cultural environment in class.
I feel my comments are valued in classes.
During exams, multicultural issues are reflected in the questions.
The environment makes me feel comfortable and valued.
There is a place I can go to feel safe and valued.
I generally feel supported.
When recruiting new students, I am completely honest about the climate.
When recruiting new faculty, I am completely honest about the climate.
When recruiting new staff, I am completely honest about the climate.
Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A lot
The faculty are making an effort to understand my point of view.
A diversity of cultural items (pictures, posters, etc.) are represented throughout my program/department.
All course evaluations ask how/if multicultural issues have been integrated into courses.
All courses and research conducted by faculty address, at least minimally, how the topic affects diverse populations.
I feel comfortable discussing multicultural issues in supervision.
There are faculty with whom I feel comfortable discussing multicultural issues and concerns.
There is a demonstrated commitment to recruiting minority students and faculty.
Respond to the following statements which focus on your attitudes and philosophy in teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I primarily focus on specific population (e.g., Blacks, Latinos).
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I primarily focus on
skill development.
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I primarily focus on increasing multicultural awareness and sensitivity.
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I primarily focus on multicultural knowledge and content.
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I primarily focus on issues of race and ethnicity.
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, I often self-disclose my own personal attitudes and experiences.
When teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, my own cultural identity affects how I design, teach, and interact with the students.
In my experience teaching multicultural counseling/psychology courses, the majority of students respond positively to the course content.
Titles of any courses in your degree program on multicultural issues: (place a 'R' mark next to any courses that are required)
How often are these courses offered?
How many times have you taught these courses?
What year in the program do students typically take these courses?
What is the average number of students who typically take these courses?
Latino/ Hispanic
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Briefly describe the teaching philosophy or perspectives you use in designing your multicultural counseling/psychology courses.
Are there any aspects of the courses and topics you teach to which students
typically react positively? yes or no?

If yes, briefly describe below.
Are there any aspects of the courses and topics you teach to which students
typically react negatively? yes or no?
If yes, briefly describe below.
Are the group dynamics (i.e., how the students relate to each other) in your
multicultural courses any different from the other courses you teach?
yes or no If yes, briefly describe below.
Briefly describe how you are viewed and/or treated by students who take your
multicultural counseling/psychology courses. How does that compare to how
they respond to you in the other courses you teach? Of how they respond to other
faculty members?
Briefly describe a significant experience you’ve had while teaching a
multicultural counseling/psychology course which seemed related to your own
cultural identity (such as your race or gender). For example, it could involve
interactions with students related to your identity or a change in your own self
awareness. If possible, describe both a positive and negative experience.
Briefly describe a significant experience you’ve had while teaching a multicultural counseling/psychology course which seemed related to the cultural identity of one or more of your students (such as their race or gender). For example, it could involve interactions with students related to your identity or a change in your own self awareness. If possible, describe both a positive and negative experience.

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