Survey Templates Surveys SkiEasy




Thanks for volunteering to take part in the SkiEasy Study. The questionaire involves answering a few multiple choice questions on your experiences of carrying skis. It also includes a section where you may leave comments which will be considered in the re-design into the way in which we carry skis.

The survey should only take you about 5 - 10 minutes. Thank you for your time and valuable input into this project.
1. You are?
2. Please indicate your age range:
3. How many weeks experience of skiing do you have (including any dry slope skiing)?
4. Generally how long do you go away for?
5. How far do you usually walk to get to a ski slope?
6. Have you ever struggled carrying skis on and off the slopes?
7. If there was a Ski Carrying Device that assisted you to carry skis that worked better than the current market, would you buy one?
8. Please indicate which, if any, of the following items you carry when skiing?
9. Where would you carry any of the above items?
10. Without a carrying device, how do you usually carry your skis?
11. Rank the following concerns, 1 being the most important and 4 being the least, which you feel should be associated with a ski carrying product?
Easy of Use
Comfort Ability
Aesthetic Value
12. If there was such a device to assist carrying skis, how much would you be prepared to pay for it? (Please be honest and realistic)
13. Have you every used a Ski Carrying Device before?
14. If yes, Please explain the Ski Carrying Device:
15. Explain its Disadvantages and Advantages?
16. If you have used a product before, did you have any issues with the transportation of such a device?
17. Realistically, if a new Ski Carrying Device was on the market how long would you expect the product to take to operate?
18. Please indicate where you would prefer to carry the Ski Carrying Device?
19. Please make any other comments that might be relevant?

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