Survey Templates Surveys American Cinema in China

American Cinema in China

Hello, you are invited to participate in our survey. We are a group of MBA students with the University of Colorado Business School. We are conducting a research project on Chinese consumer’s perceptions of American Cinema in China. In this survey you will be asked to complete a survey about your experience watching movies. It will take approximately ten minutes to complete the survey. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any time. It is very important for us to learn your opinion. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential, and when reported, your answers will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have any questions at any time about this survey or these procedures, you may contact us at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. You must be 18 years and older to take our survey. Please Note: This survey is being distributed in both Chinese and English. You may see some characters/symbols you do not recognize. Do not worry about these. Please begin the survey now by clicking the button below.

您好,您被邀请参加我们的问卷调查。我们是科罗拉多州立大学的MBA班学生,我们正在进行一项关于中国消费者对美国电影态度的调查。在这份问卷中您将会填写您观看美国电影的个人体会。这份问卷将会占用您大约十分钟的时间,并且是自愿参与,如果您对其中一些问题过于敏感,你可以随时放弃填写。您的意见对我们非常重要,我们会严格保密您的问卷。如果您对问卷有任何的问题和疑问,您可以通过[email protected]随时和我们联系。非常感谢您抽出时间支持我们的工作。参加这份问卷调查必须年满18岁。您可以通过点击下方的按钮开始回答问题。

Are you 18 years old or older?
What is your all-time favorite movie? 您最喜欢的电影名称是什么?
In the past twelve months, how many times have you visited a theater to watch a movie? 在过去的12个月中您去过多少次电影院。
In the past twelve months, how many times have you watched a movie on DVD/Video? 在过去的12个月中您看过多少次DVD
In the past twelve months, how many times have you watched a movie on television? 在过去的12个月中您多少次通过电视观看电影
In the past twelve months, how many times have you watched a movie on the Internet? 在过去的12个月中您多少次通过因特网观看电影
Have you ever heard of Warner Brothers Entertainment? 您是否听说过华纳兄弟电影公司
What other entertainment companies have you heard of? (check all that apply)您是否听过其他的电影公司(请选择以下选项)
Are you familiar with any of the products/services provided by Warner Brothers? 您是否熟悉华纳兄弟电影公司的作品和相关产品
Which of the following Warner Brothers Products/Services are you familiar with? 您熟悉以下哪个华纳兄弟电影公司的作品和相关产品
Have you ever watched a movie made by Warner Brothers Entertainment? 您看过华纳兄弟电影公司出品的电影吗?
Which of the following movies have you seen? (check all that apply) 您看过以下哪部电影(请选择)
In the past two years, what other American made movies have you seen? (please list) 在过去二年,其他美国制造的电影您看见了什么?(请列出)
Please comment: What is your general impression of Warner Brothers Entertainment? 请评价:您对华纳兄弟电影公司的印象是什么。
How likely are the following factors to influence your decision to attend a movie theater? 以下的那个因素会影响您决定去电影院看电影。
Cost 价钱
Location of Theater 电影院的位置
Selection of Movies 放映的电影
Appearance of Theater 电影院的装修
What other factors influence your decision to attend a movie theater? 请列举其他会影响您去电影院观看电影的因素
How likely are the following factors to influence your decision NOT to attend a movie theater? 以下哪种因素会影响您决定不去电影院看电影
Cost 价钱
Location of Theater 电影院的位置
Movie is available on DVD 能够购买DVD观看电影
Movie is available on television 能够通过电视观看电影
Moive is Available on the Internet 能过通过因特网观看电影
Appearance of Theater 电影院的装修
What other factors influence your decision NOT to attend a movie theater?
When deciding to see a movie in the theater, what is your decision primarily based on? 当您决定去电影院的时候,您是出于什么目的到电影院观看电影
When attending a movie theater, when do you usually decide what movie to go and see? 当您选择去电影院观看一个电影,您是什么时候决定去观看那场电影
In general, do you prefer to see...一边情况下你愿意看哪种电影
How often do you choose a moive to watch based on which film company made it? 您是否经常选择特定的电影公司出品的电影
If you selected "always" or "sometimes" which film companies do you prefer? (please list) 如果您选择经常或有时,请列举您所选择的电影公司
What age group do you fall in? 您的年龄是?
What is your gender? 您的性别
What is your annual household income? 您每年的家庭收入是多少?
Which of the follow best describes your current living situation? 您是:

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