Survey Templates Surveys Enterprise Internet Messaging

Enterprise Internet Messaging

Dear Sir or Madam:

We are conducting a study on Enterprise Instant Messaging (EIM) which is a near-synchronous computer-based interactive communication medium that facilitates and enhances business applications collaboration and presence awareness within corporations and between businesses. EIM software allows two or more users to simultaneously type messages to each other and see them on one screen, typically on a PC, but also on certain mobile devices.

We would really appreciate your help in this effort by devoting 10 minutes to give us your opinion on this new technology. Please remember there are no correct answers—only honest opinions. Your responses are anonymous and voluntary, and your confidentiality is assured. You can quit the survey at anytime.

Thank you for your participation.

Warmest Regards,

Robert Luo, Assistant Professor, Virginia State University

Anil Gurung, Visiting Assistant Professor, Kansas State University

Part 1: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements about Enterprise Instant Messaging (EIM)?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Using EIM helps me to connect with others instantaneously
Using EIM improves the efficiency of my decision-making
Using EIM increases my work productivity
Using EIM improves my work effectiveness
I find EIM to be useful in my work
My interaction with EIM is clear and understandable
Interacting with EIM does not require a lot of mental effort
I find EIM easy to use
I have fun using EIM
Using EIM bores me
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Using EIM provides me with a lot of enjoyment
Overall, I enjoy using EIM
I think EIM is interesting
Overall, using EIM interests me
Part 2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with following the statements about your colleagues?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Most of my colleagues use EIM
Amongst the colleagues I communicate with regularly, many use EIM
Few colleagues I communicate with use EIM
A large percentage of my colleagues use EIM
From my observation, the number of EIM users is large
People who use EIM have a high profile
People who use EIM have more prestige than those who do not
Part 3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I think using EIM would fit well with the way that I like to interact with the EIM
Using EIM would be incompatible with how I like to do things
Using EIM would fit into my work style
I think using EIM is risky
Using EIM will bring risk to my work
I think my information on EIM is secure
Using EIM is secure
Part 4: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements about your own intentions regarding using EIM?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If I have to temporarily use a computer without EIM software, I intend to install it
If I own a computer with EIM software, I intend to use it
Given that I have a computer with EIM software, I predict that I will use it at work
I plan to use EIM in the near future
To what extent do you agree with these statements in the context of the workplace?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Group welfare is more important than individual rewards
Group success is more important than individual success
Being accepted by the members of your work group is very important
Employees should only pursue their goals after considering the welfare of the group
Managers should encourage group loyalty even if individual goals suffer
Individuals may be expected to give up their goals in order to benefit group success
It is important to have job requirements and instructions spelled out in detail so that employees always know what they are expected to do
Managers expect employees to closely follow instructions and procedures
Rules and regulations are important because they inform employees what the organization expects of them
Standard operating procedures are helpful to employees on the job
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Instructions for operations are important for employees on the job
Gender (please circle)
Age group
Your education level:
Your position level:
Frequency of computer use:
Please give us comments about the use of EIM in your organization:

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